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This story takes place in the beginning of 6th year.

Snape is still the potions teacher.

Harry and Draco are friends in secret, and all their bickering is just for fun. Only Luna, Ginny, Neville, Dean, Seamus, Blaise, Pansy, Hermione, Ron, the Weasley twins, and a few grown-ups know about it.

Sirius is alive, yet is still on the run.


All of Harry's friends were worried about him. Ever since Harry came back to school a month ago, he had been very jumpy and cautious. He wouldn't let anyone within 5 feet of him at the beginning, and only a few days ago he told his friends and dorm mates why. Of course, he didn't tell the whole story, just left out some minor details. Though, only his friends noticed. Harry did an amazing job hiding it, and the only reason you could tell something was wrong was because of the green eyes that lose more life each year. 

After spending another night filled with nightmares, Harry got out of bed. Breakfast was just about to end (though he almost never ate), and potions was the first class. Cursing his luck, Harry quickly got ready, and rushed out the door. He arrived at the dungeons in five minutes, yet was late to class by one. For that, Professor Snape took of 10 points. Typical Snape. Harry sat down at the back with Draco, who pretended to sneer at him. Harry rolled his eyes, and started to copy down notes. 

Soon, it was time to start the potion. While Draco left to get the ingredients, Harry set up the stations. They worked together quietly and quickly. Harry was dead tired from the lack of sleep, and accidentally knocked down an ingredient. Harry froze. The whole class looked at him, and he saw Snape advancing towards him, anger written on his face. Please, not here. Harry thought, breathing faster. 

"Look what you have done, you fool!" Snape bellowed. 

"I-I'm so-sorry s-,"Harry started, but was cut off.

"That was my last jar. Now I need to wait for another shipment, instead of duplicating it! Just like your father, an idiot! You shouldn't even be here, you freak! Just because y-," That was as far as he got before he was cut off.

"Oh shut up, you slimy git! Now look what you've done!" Ron shouted. At this point Harry had shrunken corner, shaking. Clearly, a panic attack was coming, and it just got worse from the word freak.

"You couldn't keep your mouth shut, could you? You just had to say freak!" Dean yelled. Hermione was crouched next to Harry, trying to calm him down. Snape was shocked, but quickly composed himself and sneered.

"Couldn't even handle a few words. Clearly fame isn't e-," Snape barked out before getting cut off again, this time by Neville.

"What part of shut up do you not get?" he said. People gasped at this. Neville was known for being a Hufflepuff in Gryffindor. Snape was shocked yet again. What was happening?

"N-need Pad-padfoot," Harry stuttered. Hermione nodded, then spoke to everyone.

"Somebody is going to come in this classroom, and not a single one of you are going to raise their wand."

"This is my classroom, and I decide who is going to come in," Snape quickly advanced. But he was stopped by Ron, Hermione, Neville, Dean, and Seamus with their wands pointing at him.

But I am the Head Girl, and my brother in all but blood needs him. Please do not make us hex you, because I will do anything to help him." She quickly turned to the Slytherins. "I need one of you to let me in the Slytherin common room so I can use the floo." Pansy quickly stood up and Hermione nodded her head. She turned to Ron and Neville. "Make sure none of them start firing spells as soon as he steps in." With that, she turned at left with Pansy. 

Harry was still curled up into a ball, hyperventilating. Draco quickly went to sit next to him, whispering soothing words to him. The class was silent, wondering what had caused the Golden Boy to get to such a state. After a few minutes, The girls burst back into the room with Sirius hot on their heels. Everyone gasped, but a look from Hermione told them not to act. Soon after, their old DADA teacher, Remus burst in, and sat next to Harry. He put a charm around them so nobody could listen to their conversation. Draco went to stand next to Ron and Blaise, who started rubbing his back to calm him down. All this time, Snape and the rest of the class were shocked and wondering the same thing: What was going on with Harry Potter? The Golden and Silver trio, Neville, Seamus, and Dean refused to say anything, worry written all over their face.

Though they could not listen to their conversation, they could still see the facial expressions. As soon as Sirius had placed a hand on Harry's shoulder, the boy had flinched violently. But after recognizing the two Marauders, Harry had collapsed into their arms, crying his eyes out. Sirius held him close to his chest, rubbing his back gently. Remus was also holding Harry, whispering and running his hand through his hair. After 10 minutes, Harry had calmed down enough to reply something to what seemed like a question Remus had asked him. After a few minutes, Harry burst into tears again and started shaking his head, saying something. Sirius then asked something, and after a few seconds Harry gently lifted his shirt. Unfortunately, Sirius was blocking him so the class couldn't see, but the horrified and angry expressions on the adults' faces said it was not something good. Harry then said something while sobbing into Sirius's arm and said man held the boy tightly, tears threatening to spill from his eyes. The werewolf's eyes were flashing yellow, and the class slowly backed away from the trio. After a few more minutes Remus cancelled out the charm and Harry's whimpers filled the room. He stood up and looked at the class.

"Draco," he said. "Take Harry and get him away from here. Bring him somewhere where he can rest." Draco nodded his head and gently picked up the smaller boy, who seemed exhausted. The class was yet again surprised when Harry cuddled up into Draco and the blond gave him a small smile and exited the room. 

Sirius collapsed into a chair and put his head into his hands. Remus followed short after. The class waited, wondering why the two were here and why Sirius wasn't captured yet.

"Hermione and Ron," Sirius said suddenly, looking at them. "How much do you know of what is going on?"

The two looked at each other then at their friends. Hermione spoke first. "Harry told us-" she indicated herself and few others, "a few days ago. But I have my suspicions there is still more to it."

"There's more?!" Pansy, Blaise, Neville, Dean, Seamus cried out. Ron nodded sadly. 

"If you know Harry as long as we do, then you know when he is hiding some details," he said. Remus snarled and Sirius clenched his hands tightly.

"Will someone tell me what of earth is going on!" Snape suddenly bellowed. Everyone turned to look at him. 

"Class dismissed," Remus said. The class left without a word, thinking he was still the teacher. Harry's friends stayed back.

"Why is Perfect Potter acting like he has been abused all his life!" The flinches from the 7 students didn't go unnoticed.

"That's because he is!" Remus cried out. Snape looked taken back.

"N-nonsense." Then he composed himself. "To me it looks he just wanted attention, just like his father," he said nonchalantly.

"You know, did it ever occur to you that Harry is not James?" Sirius asked in a deathly quiet voice. "Did it occur to that his life it not perfect?"

"The boy clearly looks like James," Snape tried.

"SO WHAT!" Ron shouted. "I do not know what the problem was between you guys, but Harry is not his father, nor his mother. Sure he has some traits, but that's it!" 

"But he-"
"SEVERUS SNAPE!" Sirius bellowed. "WILL YOU GROW UP! THE RIVALRY WAS 18 YEARS AGO! WHAT IS THE POINT OF STILL HOLDING IT!" Snape looked shocked. What the hell was going on? He took a deep breath and let it out. Then he looked at the angry dog.

"What is going on?"

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