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"What is going on?"

This sentence broke Sirius out of his angry mood and he slumped back into his chair.

"Harry...," he started. "He... he is being abused."

"But that can't be true. Isn't he treated like a prince by the muggles he lives with?" Snape asked. Everyone in the room shot him disgusted looks. Remus scoffed.

"More like less than a house-elf," he mumbled.

"Surely you haven't forgotten Petunia and Vernon, have you?" Sirius asked. Snape's eyes widened.

"That's who he lives with?" he asked shocked. Everyone in the room nodded. Snape was confused.

"But, Dumbledore told me that everything was fine with him. He told me he checked up on him often."

"Then Dumbledore lied to you," Hermione said bitterly. "Never once has he come to Privet Drive. What's more, he actually knew about the abuse." Snape narrowed his eyes.

"How do you he has been abused? What if made it up?" They all grumbled.

"If you don't believe us, come with us," Ron said. He then cast a patronus and told the dog to lead them to Harry. They ended up in front of Draco's room, and entered to find Harry sleeping on Draco's bed and Draco on a desk next to him doing homework. Draco looked at then and raised his eyebrow.

"Are you done arguing?" he asked.

Ron shook his head. "Not yet. We need to show Snape something." He nodded to Remus and Sirius, who went on either side of Harry and gently lifted his shirt.

Though Snape was excellent at hiding his emotions, nothing to stop him from gasping in shock at Harry's body. There were scars everywhere; old and new. His body was littered with cuts and bruises, all turning an ugly color. Bones were sticking out in unnatural positions, and there burns on his pale skin. He was also very thin. Everyone could see his ribs, and it looked like he hadn't eaten in months. Snape wondered how he was alive, and how he was able to hide all this. He looked at the others. There all had unshed tears, and some were looking away, unable to see more.

"What triggered the panic attack?" Remus asked quietly.

"When Snape said freak," Hermione answered.

"What does that have to do anything?" Snape asked. Sirius lifted the sleeve of Harry's shirt, and there, in box letters was the word FREAK. Everyone gasped. They had not been expecting this. Snape shed a tear. Never in a million years, did he imagine that Harry Potter would be going through this.

"Oh Merlin," he whispered. Before this, all Snape focused was on the similarities between Harry and James. Suddenly, he realized how wrong he was about the boy. He saw so many more differences than ever. "I feel terrible."

Just then Harry started to wake up. He opened his eyes and glanced around the room. When the emeralds landed on Snape, they widened and he attempted to sit up.

"Oh...Um...H-hello Professor. S-sorry for the potion." Snape was yet again shocked. Well, that was another thing to add to the list of differences. It was a minute before Harry found his voice again.

"I-It's fine. I can always order more," he said flabbergasted. "Though I have a few questions for you." He waited for Harry's nod.

"When did this start?" Harry froze.

Reluctantly, he answered, "W-when I w-was 3."

"Why did you have a panic attack?"

"I had dropped something, and you seemed angry. Y-you reminded me of my u-uncle, and I thought my name was F-freak until I was 5."

"How bad is the abuse?"

Harry shuddered at this. "U-up until this s-summer, they n-never w-went more t-than this," he said lifting his shirt.

"What happened this summer?" Snape asked, fearing he already knew the answer. Harry's lower lip quivered, and he curled up into a ball. Remus laid a hand on his shoulder, but Harry flinched again. It was a long time before he whispered,

"He touched me...and r....ra-raped me..." The girls burst into tears while the boys tried not to cry. Remus started pacing and Sirius clenched the bedpost. Draco went and sat next to Harry, gently hugging Harry and letting him cry. After a few more minutes, the sobs subsided to hiccups.

"I have one more question." At Harry's nod, he asked, "When the hell did you and Draco become friends and what is your relationship with my godson?" The people laughed at this.

"We became friends after the Triwizard Tournament." He looked up at Draco and blushed. "And...we have been dating for half a year now."

"WHAT!" cried Sirius. "Why wasn't I aware of this?" Harry giggled. Everyone's heart melted. They had not heard this in a long time.

"Because you would act like an overprotective dog father," Draco answered. Sirius stared at them and huffed, turning around, muttering about his innocent baby and his animagus being a joke. The couple looked over at at their friends, who were passing galleons around. Snape raised an eyebrow at them.

"Pansy, Neville and I bet with the rest if Drarry would happen or not," Hermione said happily. Ron, Blaise, and Seamus grumbled.

"Mate, couldn't you tell us like, forever ago?" Ron pouted.

"I agree. Don't you trust us, Drakey?" Blaise added with a smirk. Draco stuck a tongue out him and the others laughed. Harry raised an an eyebrow and Draco blushed, saying shut up to him.

"Drarry?" the adults except Remus asked.

"It's a name for their relationship. DracoXHarry." Harry laughed with the rest. Suddenly he stopped and turned to Sirius.

"Wait...what are you doing here?" Then he remembered. "Oh no... the Gryffindors and the Slytherins saw you! What if they call their parents and they call the Ministry? You're still a criminal!" He stared to hyperventilating again.

"Shh...shh...It's okay. Hermione threatened them. I'll talk to the Slytherins while you and the other lions can talk to the Gryffindors. It's okay, Raven," Draco said, running a hand through his hair. Harry immediately calmed down, comforted by his lover's touch. He gave everyone a small smile and yawned.

" 'M tired," he mumbled. He yawned again. He snuggled into Draco's chest, and was out like a light.

Sirius looked at the two and smiled. "I accept this relationship. From what I know, Harry hasn't slept like this in a long time. Right?" Harry's dorm mates nodded. "Just treat him right." Draco responded with a smile and kissed Harry on the forehead.

One by one, everyone left the room to continue their day and leave Harry and Draco to sleep. Soon, Snape was the last person in the room. He stopped at the door and turned back, observing the boy. Finally, after 6 years, Severus Snape saw Harry Potter not as the Boy-Who-Lived, but by a boy who had been through a lot. He saw what was underneath the Golden Boy's mask: A boy who was forced to fight in a war. Snape sighed and wondered what else he was wrong about.

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