Man-Eater part 2

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Dazai P.O.V

Today was the day, the day Chuuya and I would officially go on a date. We've hanged out before but this time I'm surly going to make him mine!

We meet up at our designated time around late noon, to be completely honest I didn't really know what we were going to do besides hang out.

I would usually have a plan on what we would do, or how it would it start and end, but this time the only thing I could focus on was that he actually said yes?.

I continued pondering in my thoughts on where we would be going until I saw him. My jaw dropped to the floor he looked absolutely stunning, no Gorgeous to a t.

I knew that his style of outfits were sometimes Androgynous and out there but this was something else.

The black turtleneck crop top contoured how small and beautiful his waist truly was and how cute it looked when some of his stomach was showing, but also defined how easier it would be if someone decided to chock him, seeing how slimmer his neck looked in it.

"Hey dumbass my eyes are up here!" the effeminate man hissed trying to get me out of my daze from how nice he looked

"It's not my fault chuuya I mean look at yourself" I joked sternly pointing at him up and down

"What do you even mean?"

I pinched the bridge of my nose and simply sighed "You wearing a very revealing crop top in the middle of winter!, while also a pair of tight red leather pant's that start at your mid-hip," I tried staying chill and composed but it likely just sounded like I was his parent.

"Your not my mom" he said with a look that clearly said he was annoyed with my comment "Plus you see this" he pointed at his face "I put eyeliner on and I even did my eyebrows which I hardly do mind you. So just be happy with what get ok!."

"Yes ma'am" I complied as grabbed his hand and began walking.

"So where are we even going?" he asked breaking the silence that was clearly there for a few minutes right after I held his hand in mine "It's a surprise" I said giving him a dorky smile "But I know you'll love it when you see it"


"God, you really outdid your self this time huh dazai?" The redhead was on the verge of tears

"Whatever do you mind?" I acted as if I had no clue on what I did

"Your always talking about my "shitty" taste in hats but here you are taking me to my favorite hat shop" he said quite conspicuous "I guess your right about that" I gave a nervous chuckle "We should stop ogling at the place and head in now" I opened the door like the gentleman I am for chuuya.

To be honest it wasn't out of the ordinary just your usually hat store. It smelled like the library me and Ranpo would go to but it also smelled like a musty cologne Oda would use from time to time?

What a nice aura I thought

"Let's go over here" chuuya pestered as he grabbed my arm over to the direction he was talking about.

"What about this one" the small pointed at a black fedora "don't you already have one like that though?" I questioned "yeah I do, but look at this" he grabbed one of the hats on the rack "it has rose patterned inside though, isn't that cool!" he beamed ecstatically showing it to me

"Yeah, that is pretty cool but look at this one." I took off an orange beret on the hat rack "what's so special about this one?" chuuya positioned his hands on his hips

"Well if you must know chuuya, it's orange just like your hair, its cute and it reminds me off a fox just like you" I laughed

"Ha ha your so funny, you should be a comedian" chuuya retorted sarcastically "y'know you should also buy a hat you wouldn't look so bad with one?"

"I don't really do hats, I don't think I would look that good in one unlike you"

"Whatever" is all he said.


We continued looking around until Chuuya spotted one "How about this one?" it was a short black fedora with a wide brim and a rose on the red band of it

"Not bad dazai" was all chuuya could say "but how much is it though, it could be really expensive?" me and chuuya looked at the price tag. He scrunched his face up

"That's a lot" his face expression saddened "I'll buy it for you" I protested

"Oh, no you really don't have too I mean it's like 200 hundred dollars in U.S. currency" chuuya added "Then I really have to buy it if it's that much now" I answered as I tried on different fedoras and berets on.

I proceeded to the checkout corner to buy it but Chuuya kept on talking about how expensive it was and that I shouldn't buy something like that for him especially if it was just a hat.

I finally convinced him that it wasn't that much and that I wanted to treat him on our date.


"Your really immature y'know" The young male said as he slightly punched my shoulder "Ow chuuya!" I exclaimed dramatically, maybe being in theater really did make me more dramatic than I already am?

"You know you're happy that I bought it for you" I smugly replied as I looked at the other shops around us "Yeah I am" he mumbled as he hid his flushed face in his black trench coat.

Chuuya smoothly grabbed my hand as we continued walking until I finally asked "So where else do you want to go now" the smaller man's face looked up at mine

"Want to go to a club" the man asked innocently not knowing what he was getting himself into later in the night. "Were still 18?" I replied "Were technically not even adults yet?"

"Say's the person who always ask to drink with me and occasionally smokes on the school rooftop" he was right about that part

"That's because I'm oh so lonely and sad, and you're the only person whom I find nice to hang out with"

"Well look for someone else then?" he asked I think jokingly "Fine we'll go to the club later since it's still like 7" I finally agreed with the man "we could do some Karaoke? Then" 

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