something about us

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Chuuya POV

Everything's changed since Oda Sakunosuke became our teacher. I don't mean by the fact that the school has become more lively, but the fact that your usually suicidal
maniac has changed for better or for worse. But I know for a fact that it hurts deeply; it burns and I don't know why. We have known each other for so long, and yet he's distanced himself from me.

I don't even know what to do. Right now he's sitting in the classroom reading a book, probably about how to tie a noose for dummies, and I can't walk up and talk to him
due to the fact that if I do he might just be annoyed with me and leave me!

"Chuuya, I know I'm attractive but you don't have to stare so much, you know?" Dazai said coyly.

My face blushed a deep red but I wasn't going to let him get the best of me, so I walked up to his desk with my hands on my hips.
"What are you reading this time? Oh let me guess, how to tie nooses for idiots?", I reply condescendingly. "No. I'm reading about the human body, so I know which place to target next time" his face beamed with joy.

"Did you know that if you slit your wrist in the right place you'll only have less than 2 minutes to live?"
He positioned the book to face, so I could see it thoroughly. Sick freak.

"You're sick you know." my face scrunched up. He's not right in the head, always thinking about death. It's like death just oozes out of him, and the most disgusting thing is
that he is proud of it!

"Oh I'm just sickly in love with you Chuuya~" he said purring out the last part as he ruffled my orange locks.

"Don't do that!-" my voice hesitated "-It's gross..." my face burned extremely crimson.

"Oh ChuuChuu~, you're blushing! How cute." He hugged me from behind and whispered,"Oh what are we going to do with you now that you're so cute~"

"LET GO!" I said, trying to get out of his grasp. God, why is he like this. "You're hot then you're cold, JUST PICK ONE! IT'S LIKE YOU WANT ME TO PUNCH YOU!!!"
"You're really cute when you're mad, you know that Chibi" he said, still clinging to me.

"Can you stop already!?" I turned my face down, so he wouldn't see my bashful expressions. "Stop what?" his mouth curled up like the Cheshire cat.

"You know what...", I mumble with my face still hidden. "If you don't tell me, I'm never going to know now right? Plus it's impolite to look the other way when someone is
speaking." I turned around while still embracing him and directed my eyes at his.

"I'm talking about how you keep teasing me like you're my..." I stopped myself before saying something stupid.

"Like you're my what?" Dazai said curiously. "Not saying!" I shouted back.

"Oh please Chuu~" he practically begged me. "I'm really curious now?" he stared at me with a sad puppy look.

"It's like you're my.... lover" I mumbled the last part.

"Your what?" he smirked obnoxiously. I know he heard me, but he was just teasing me at this point.

"GOD IT'S LIKE YOUR MY-" I got interrupted by someone opening the classroom door.

It was the sophomore Nakajima Atsushi. God, things just couldn't get any worse now could they! "Oh sorry I wasn't trying to interrupt anything... I was just... NEVER MIND GOODBYE!" the boy ran completely embarrassed out of the classroom.

Dazai looked at me. "So what were you trying to say?" he said, completely not caring about what just happened. I was only embarrassed before but now I was embarrassed and pissed off because Dazai most likely knew we weren't the only ones in school right now!

"So are you going to tell me?" he pestered me again.

"YOU IDIOT!" I yelled as I punched him, then proceeded to leave the classroom. GOD THAT IDIOT, WASTE OF SPACE, SUICIDAL MANIAC, RAT LOOKING BASTARD!!
"WHY DOES HE KEEP ON DOING THIS!!!" I yelled out in the hallway.

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