final chapter:

107 2 2

Don't own anything

Same time author pov:

Yoshika shizuka & strider 8 mantis are almost to their designation. Explosion up ahead.

Mantis: << the hell!?. Taking a look >>

F35c flew highspeed

Neuroi popped out the ground.

Mantis: << its heading towards the town. Engaging >>

While yoshika & zhizuka bickering about what to do mantis fires his missiles & easily dodging the lazers & fighting against smaller ones.

Bit of ago shizuka takes off provide back up for the erusean f35c ace. Mantis peformed PSM avoiding lasers.


Mantis chased down the alien tower its chasing down yoshika driving a jeep. Bearly have any missiles left.

Mantis: << damn it >>

Yoshika sees him zooming overhead. Mantis ejected it & the aircraft slammed into it & destroyed it killing the neuroi in the process.

However the radius got mantis shizuka catches him.

Mantis: OWW😭😭😩


mantis: ..........

Mantis couldn't say anything he's injured blood coming on his torso from metal shard from the plane.

Yoshika: there's another one. Shizuka concentrate please he'll be fine get back up

Shizuka ranned off yoshika carries him to safety from out in the open.

Yoshika: kamikaze move your baka you know that

strike witches: skies unknown the movie book CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now