chapter twelve

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a/n: look, the beginning filler crap sucks, i'm sorry, i'm trying to get some sort of plot going lol. just push through, the end is pretty intense. i really like writing about trauma/angst (idk don't judge me), so i don't wanna hear a word of slander. i love you guys and your comments are so funny and sweet, they really make my day :')

Over the next week, Sapnap and Lexi hung out every second they could. Usually Lexi went straight to Dream and George's apartment after she got off work, and Dream and George would hole up in their room so Sapnap and Lexi could do as they pleased in the living room.

"Please, just no sex on the couch," Dream requested, and they respected his wish.

Usually just before dinner, both Sapnap and Lexi would go back to Dream and Lexi's parents' house, where Lexi still lives. Then Lexi would drop Sapnap off at Dream and George's place at around 1 AM, give it take half an hour.

Dinner with Lexi and her parents was slightly awkward the first time, but Sapnap managed to get through it without much difficulty with Lexi's hand in his under the table. After that it was a breeze, and fortunately Sapnap fit into their family conversation easily, and after him and Lexi retreated to her room, Dream had to suffer through hour-long calls from his father about how good of a man Lexi found.

The third night in a row that his father called to ramble about how much he loves Sapnap, Dream had gotten fed up.

"Dad, did you ever call Lexi and talk to her for hours about how much you love George?" Dream asks.

His father sputters on the other end of the phone.

"Didn't think so," Dream mutters. "Is it because George is a man, or because you can't stand to see me happy?"

"Clay, don't start," his dad says sternly. "You know I support you and George."

"I'm beginning to think that's not true," Dream replies, running a hand through his hair. "You haven't asked George and me to come to dinner once, and now you're eating dinner with Sapnap and Lexi every night. You barely said a word at the wedding; it's like you weren't even there. And you never call- unless, of course, it's to tell me how much you love Sapnap."

"His name is Nick. And I'm not going to talk to you if you're going to act like a moody little teenager again," his father answers. His voice is icey, and before Dream can make a rebuttal his father hangs up.

Dream hadn't meant to snap at his father, but between streaming and recording, dealing with his feelings for George, and not sleeping because of the stress of the previously mentioned things, the blatant favoritism was the final straw.

Dream and Sapnap hadn't discussed Dream's feelings for George or the falsity of their marriage since Dream's initial confession. After snapping at his father, Dream realized he needed to get his feelings out, so he dug out a notebook and poured his heart out the good old fashioned way: with a pen and paper. It turned into a nightly occurrence, especially once he heard George talking in his sleep.

George had never talked in his sleep before, to Dream's knowledge, and it never happened again after the first time.

When it happened, Dream was turning the page of the notebook, and George spoke so clearly Dream thought he had woken him up. But the words he said didn't make any sense.

"Don't go, Dream," George had said. "Stay with me."

Dream snapped the notebook shut and opened his mouth to respond, planning to ask what the hell George was talking about, when George spoke again.

"He's behind it all," George said. "He tried at the wedding."

"What?" Dream asks, unable to stop himself.

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