Part 1

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(note this is not my best work at all and it's probably the worst one but please bare with me it gets better and also this was my first time writing fanfick) The birds were chirping and the sun was beating down on Amity's face but all she felt was cold and emptiness her foot was in pain but she didn't care all she cared about at the moment was getting to the owl house. She was out of breath but she knew if she stopped for a break she may never get up because of her leg or her grief she didn't know which one would take her first. As she ran she wanted to cry but no tears came to her eyes. She felt as her world had smashed to millions of pieces right in front of her. She thought that to some extent it was her fault, she should have been there if she wasn't so careless and hadn't broken her leg in that grugbie match she would have gone on that field trip and could have saved Luz,Luz how could she have been so weak to tell Luz she liked her before this maybe she might of had a chance maybe just maybe she could have had her happily ever after even if it was just for a little and even if Luz didn't feel the same way she would never abandon her right? She couldn't bear that thought at the moment, it was just too much, so she pushed the thought down in her mind until it was gone.

At the owl house Luz,King,Eda,and Lith were in shock. Eda could not forgive Lith for what she had done to her and if she was not her own blood and had not just saved her from the emperor Eda would have ripped her sister's head off at that moment. Eda went to the kitchen to make everyone some tea ,after she finished she took her time puting the honey lemon smelling tea into 4 cups and bringing them to the coffee table in the main room. Everyone was sitting on the couch. Luz thought it was ages before someone spoke up, it was king "what do we do now?" king asked "well I for one think we should discuss what Lith is going to do to pay for rent?" Eda said with no emotion "what do you mean dear sister?"Lith said "first off I have no sister second did you think I will let you live here without the proper payment?" that shattered Lith and for some reason Luz to. Luz suddenly had an idea "why don't you two go out for a stroll to figure it out" Luz said thoughtfully "no I refuse to be seen in public with her" Eda said bitterly expecting Lith to say something along the lines of "I think it's the opposite dear sister" but she didn't instead Lith said "I think that's a fine idea". Luz pushed them out the door "come back when you two have made an agreement" she shouted out the door, then she turned to King "go watch them and make sure they stay out of trouble" she demanded "yes mam" King said as he walked out the door.

About an hour later Amity arrived at the owl house's door. Since she left right after she saw Luz on tv she didn't know if Luz had made it out alive she hoped she had with all of her strength she pushed open the door. Luz was sitting on the couch as soon as Amity saw Luz she collapsed on the floor a small sigh of relief escaped her lips before she fell into a deep sleep. The last thing she heard was Luz's voice calling her name. When she woke up she was in Luz's lap before Amity could stop herself she kissed Luz it was just as amazing as she thought it would be maybe even better, then she came to her senses she pulled away from Luz as fast as she had could and went red covering her face with her hands and started rambling about how sorry she was but Luz didn't here her she was just in shock "did that really just happen did Amity really just do what I think she did what the hell just happened did I really just have my first kiss no no I couldn't have could I why did it feel so good no no no this can't be happening oh my fucking god I just had my first fucking kiss and it was with Amity who about a month ago had hated my guts what the literal hell" Luz thought and then she didn't no why but she kissed Amity again, Amity who was still rambling about how sorry she was when this happened was completely caught of gard and for a moment was confused about what just happened she finlay was aware of what was happening turned bright red, but as she kissed Luz back she became relived all of the stress was gone from her body and she was on cloud nine. Just then the door flew open as and Eda held King in one of her hands against his will as she walked in "Luz how dare you-" she stopped talking when she saw Amity and Luz "you fox" she said playfully Amity and Luz pulled apart both red in the face Lith just stood at the door in shock "we were gone for less than a hour and you guys are already making out" Eda said playfully "I am so sorry miss I was just worried so I walked here to see if you guys were ok and" Amity was cut off buy Luz "you walked here on a broken foot from your house that's like 10 miles no wonder you past out" Luz said worriedly "wow I suspected you liked her after grom but I was wrong you don't just like her your head over heels in love with her" Eda said shocked to Amity, Luz's face turned into a tomato "so how long have you to been together" Eda asked "well um I kinda kissed her when I was still in a trance from fainting and then um I was apologising and she kinda kissed me again"Amity explained very awkwardly to Eda " ha you tigers" Eda laughed "but if you hurt her I will break every bone in your body am I clear" Eda threatened "yes miss" Amity said very scared "you two upstares now" Eda said

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