chapter 1

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fluffy ears twitched in hoseok's hair as he hummed lightly, crayon scribbling across the colouring page. he sighed happily, the door clicking open as taehyung came inside.

"hey seokie."

the younger glanced up, a giant smile falling onto his features. the others had just gone out to buy some more groceries, leaving the younger to himself as he was more than likely going to throw a fit if he was asked to come.

"taehyungie! look what i've coloured." proudly, hoseok held up the colouring sheet, a unicorn coloured in in vibrant colours plastered on the front of it.

"that is so pretty seok." taehyung beamed, taking the sheet of paper, already deciding to pin it on the front of the dorms shared fridge.

hoseok's tail swished underneath his pretty skirt as he hopped over to the kitchen, following taehyung as he pinned it to the front with a cherry magnet, a heart shaped smile plastering onto his features as taehyung stepped back.

"hey seok!" jimin's cheerful voice surrounded the kitchen as he skipped in, bouncy on his heels.

hoseok grinned, falling into his hyungs arms as the boy was squeezed, ears rubbed as hoseok purred at the feeling, nuzzling his head more into jimin's hands.

hoseok was the only 'hybrid' out of the group, having been young when he joined. he was a bubbly but also very distant cat hybrid, sporting a pair of tabby ears with a matching tail.

the boys all fell in love the moment they laid eyes on the younger, a small pout on his lips and his ears laid flat on his head the first time they met. he preferred the feminine side of clothing, a skirt on his waist and a turtle neck tucked into the hemline.

although the rest of the group had idol duties such as concerts, photoshoots and album production, hoseok wasn't actually part of the idol group himself, he was actually the mangers nephew, the boy not having anywhere to stay whilst his uncle worked day in an day out. they concluded it was easier for hoseok to spend his days with the guys instead of on his own.

he quickly became friends with taehyung, the older taking the cat under his wing, boasting at their strong bond to the others.

"tae-tae." hoseok turned to his friend with a pout, taehyung almost cooing at the way his lips were pursed and jutted out. "is dinner nearly read 'm hungry." he fiddled with his fingers, socked feet rising and falling.

"jinnie hyung said we still had around twenty minutes to wait seok-ah. you can wait that long can't you?"

hoseoks ears pressed against his head as his tail dropped. he could wait that long, but he really didn't want to. his stomach was growling! but he reluctantly nodded, his feet pattered against the floor as he slumped back in his chair at the table, namjoon raising an eyebrow at the hybrids behaviour.

"where are your table manners hoba?" he scolded, hoseok mumbling a small 'sorry' before sitting up straighter, his feet dangling from the height of the chair.

"dinner will be ready in five." jin smiled, coming over to stroke over hoseok's hair, earning a small whine and nuzzle from him. "can you go and get yoongi for me? that mans been locked in his studio all day i'm starting to think he's decaying in there!"

hoseok giggled, standing up from his chair. "i'll go recuse him hyungie!" jin chuckled, pressing a kiss into the cats hair.

hoseok and yoongi were also very close but not in the way taehyung and hoseok were. due to the boy being an omega, the others were either betas or alphas, yoongi being a true alpha, his scent full of pine forest and rain, a delicious combination, especially for hoseok.

he was obsessed with the alpha, always giggling and slipping onto his lap. yoongi brushed the behaviour away with hoseok's cat like clingyness he gave every member, unaware of the spike in hoseok's scent whenever he went near the alpha.

"yoongi-ah!" the small boy knocked on the studio door, smiling at jeongguk as he passed, ruffling hoseoks hair. jeongguk was another alpha, his strong muscles and broad eyebrows definitely proving it. he heard a small mumble, so hoseok pushed the door open, a smile appearing on his face.

yoongi was concentrating, eyebrows furrowed as the track played through the room once more. hoseok was sure that yoongi was sick of hearing the same beat over and over. he still smiled, tail beginning to sway and his scent emitting tangerines.

he slipped into the older's lap, yoongi smiling a little, hands going onto his waist. "what is my little peach doing? hm?" he rasped having not spoken for a while. hoseok blushed, burying his head into yoongi's neck, the older chuckling at the small boys adorableness.

"jinnie-hyung said to come for dinner." he whispered into the olders neck, yoongi humming and gliding his hands up and down the boys waist, hoseoks tail softly moving backwards and forwards at the sensation.

"come on then." yoongi smiled, pulling hoseok back with a grin, the younger blushing and burying his head into his chest. yoongi tickled hoseok's ears softly, the boy emitting a loud whine as his scent engulfed the room. yoongi could smell it, the scent smothering his nostrils.

hoseok slipped off the older's lap, whining and emitting a purr when yoongi passed his fingers through hoseok's hair. he nuzzled into the palm of yoongi's older as the older bit his lip, eyes drifting to the omegas outfit. a short, white tennis skirt combined with a fluffy, light pink jumper tucked in at the front.

he sighed, running his fingers through his own hair as hoseok's doe eyes stared up at him. he couldn't resist, and the room seemed to be getting smaller and smaller. yoongi took a step back.

"let's go peach."

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