Running away from the wedding

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(Jordan's pov)


"So what do we do know?" Leah asked me as I sat down on the couch.

"I don't know, look through the tv channels, there might be some good programs on." I told her signaling for the tv control.

"No I mean what do we do know with our lives. Like we're married, what's next for us?" Leah asked me.

"Oh yeah I forgot I agreed to marrying your dumbass." I teased Leah.

*Flash back*

It was a long weekend in the middle of november. Coach had let us take a rest since we didn't have a match, and also because me and Jordan were getting married.

We had planned it all since Jordan proposed to me 10 months back in North York Moors National Park, where we were also getting married.

It was different to when she proposed. Back then the hills were full of a foot deep layer of snow, this time the grass was green, as a few brown leaves sat on the surface.

"Leah!" I hear my mum shout snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yes mum?" I answered her as she barged in the room.

"You'll have to be out in 10 minutes." She told me as she looked at my dress, almost tearing up. "My little girl is all grown up." She said, making me roll my eyes.

"Can I have the last 10 minutes to myself?" I asked her nicely.

"Of course, I'll knock on your door when you have to come out." She told me before leaving.

We had invited our family and closest friends, making it a private wedding, since neither of us wanted it to be super glam. We wanted it to be something warm, something we could hold close to our hearts.

I spent the last 10 minutes touching up my makeup and fidgeting with my jewelry, getting more and more nervous as time ticked by.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. "It's time." My dad said from the other side.

I got up from my seat and patted myself down, this was it. I was going to marry the girl of my dreams, who had been there for me since we first met, the girls who didn't leave my side no matter what. This was officially it.

I came out of the door as my dad looked at me up and down, admiring the dress. I saw a tear go down his face, which I quickly wiped away before lacing my arm with him's.

We got in a limousine that drove us up to where the wedding was taking place. As we approached it everybody that was previously sitting down stood up, before my dad hopped out of the limousine and opened the door for me.

I got out and locked my arm with his as we walked down the aisle. Jordan stood there smiling as she saw me walk in, but her eyes were teary from emotion.

I walked up the step to the altar as Jordan took my hand from my dad and held it as we stood facing each other with two big smiles.

We said our vows, making each other and a few of our family members cry. "You may kiss the bride."

As soon as we heard that Jordan moved her hands to my waist pulling me in for a hug as I put them around her neck, as everybody cheered.

Next thing I remember is changing into a different dress, one that wasn't as long as I had previously on. After both me and Jordan changed we went into where everybody was starting the party. We walked in holding hands as everybody once again erupted in cheers.

We danced to the music for god knows how long, but after a while I could feel my feet hurting. I had this want to run away with Jordan to somewhere quieter, with less people.

So being who I was, that's what I did, I pulled Jordan aside and told her I wanted to watch the stars with her, in peace. She agreed to it and left the dance floor through the back door, so nobody would notice.

I took my shoes off as we ran up the field holding onto each other's hand laughing as the wind blew our hair out of our faces.

We dropped to the ground as we reached the top and laid there just looking at the stars, taking the moment in.

"What two dumbasses run away from their own wedding?" I asked her as I caught my breath.

"The dumbasses that want to feel alive with each other, running in a field while the wind blows in their faces." Jordan said as she turned her body so she was laying on her side. "I love you Leah Cathrine Williamson." Jordan said, making me roll my eyes.

"You know I hate my middle name." I wined.

"But I love you. All of you, even your middle name." She told me.

"I love you too." I told her, giving her a peck.

*End of flashback*

"I don't know what I want to do now." I told her. "Why don't we take it step by step. We're married and whatever will come, will come." I said as she cuddled into the side of me.

"That sounds just perfect by me." She said, as she chose a show to watch.

I woke up to my alarm going off a few hours later. Me and Leah had an interview about our wedding, playing together and all that stuff that same afternoon.

We got ready and headed there quickly, since we were late getting out of the house. "Hi." I said shaking a woman's hand as we entered the studio.

"Hello, so nice to meet you both." She said shaking Leah's hand also.

We walked behind her into this room, it was colorful, we sat down on the couch that was there as they set up all the extra things like sound.

"I'm here with Jordan Nobbs and Leah Williamson to talk about everything that's been going on lately." The woman said, starting the show. "So first of congratulations, you two recently got married. How does it feel?"

"Now I have to officially deal with this one for the rest of time, so take that as you'd like." Leah teased me making, the reporter laugh. "No, but it's been great, really." She corrected herself, making me smile.

"So everybody wants to know who popped the question and how it happened."

"Jordan popped the question didn't ya?"

"Yeah, I did. We were down in a park near my hometown, it was full of snow. We got to the top of the hill, and the view was just breathtaking, and I knew I wanted to propose, but I didn't know where or when, but I decided it was now or never and just went for it." I explained.

"So you guys met playing football in Arsenal right? Was there always that bond between you two, or were you two friends at the start." The woman asked us.

"Oh we were friends at the start. She first started training with us when she was 17, so that would have been illegal. And then when she was 19 we moved in together like roommates because we got on great. And after I got my debut when I was 20 like a few days after we started things off." Leah explained glancing over at me with a small smile.

"And now we're here, married and going day by day."

Thank you all for reading my story. This will be the last chapter. I hope you you guys enjoyed it, I'm writting another story, so if you want to check it out head to my page and it'll be there. 

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