Dripping wet

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(Leah's pov)

The past three days have consisted of training and hanging out with the girls. Luckily for me they had calmed down about the rumours regarding me and Jordan which calmed both of us down too.

We had a match tomorrow so after doing a light session early in the morning we had the rest of the day free.

All the team had lunch together while we chatted about life and discussed who would be most likely to kill somebody.

"If you're gonna kill somebody you've got to have a plan, like where you're gonna bury them and everything. Niki wouldn't be able to plan all that, she would jump to the killing directly." I say which makes a few heads turn.

"I mean you just need to bury a whole." Nikita said.

"Well I mean, you've got to dig it deep enough that a body and then a dead animal can be buried a few feet above it. Because if not, when the police dogs smell a dead body in the ground, they will directly find the body."

"Uhm... So shall we run?" Millie asks.

"Nah, I just read a lot." I said.

After lunch a few of the girls headed out for coffee. I decided to have a short nap before I headed out so I could rest and re-energize myself.

I woke up to somebody knocking on my door. "I'm coming!" I shouted while I got up and walked over to the door.

"Hey Leah, Uhm I think everybody left the hotel, it's just you and me here." Jordan said.

"How long was I sleeping for?" I ask her as I peek at my watch.

"Over an hour, maybe an hour and a half." She tells me, making my face get red.

"Well what do we do now?" I ask her.

"I've called a few of the girls but none of them seem to answer so if you want we can go out for a coffee explore the city and see if we find the girls."

"That sounds like a plan, just let me get ready. I'll meet you downstairs in 10'?"

"Sure thing." She says before she walked back towards her room.

I hurried over to the bathroom looking at the mess I was in the mirror. I quickly brushed my hair and left it down. I decided to add some blush to make me look less like I just got out of bed before I took my sweatshirt and hurried down to the entrance.

"Hey." I said as I arrived and saw Jordan sitting down waiting for me.

"You ready?" She asked me as she lifted herself up from her seat.

"Yep!" I said as we walked out of the hotel.

"So we're about 10 minutes away from the beach so I thought we could walk over there and watch the sunset or something." Jordan said while she guided me through some streets.

"That sounds nice." I tell her which makes her smile.

We walked through the streets of Barcelona making small talk between us while people looked over at us more often than not. Not sure if it was because we were loud, in full england tracksuit or because we were speaking english.

We finally made it to the beach just in time for the sunset. We took our shoes off before rushing over to sit in the sand where less people were at.

(Jordan's pov)

Since it was not an actual holiday or a day off for anybody, the beach was quite empty, which was nice since it gave me and Leah some more space and quietness.

We sat down close together, our shoulders brushing off each other while we watched the sunset behind the city.

"I love sunsets." Leah said.

"Why?" I ask her intrigued.

"I don't know, they just makes life seem better, no matter how good or bad the day might have been a pretty sunset always makes it better." She said.

"You're right, sunsets do make everything a bit less harsh." I say which makes her smile.

We sat there in silence as the sky turned pitch black. The silence wasn't the awkward kind of silence, it was peaceful actually. It was really nice to say the least.

I looked over at Leah to find her looking right back at me. She quickly moves her eyes looking everywhere but at me which makes me blush a bit.

I reach my hand out and put it through Leah's hair before guiding her head gently onto my shoulder. I keep scratching the back of her head while we look at the waves hit the shore.

"Wanna get into the sea? Just our feet." I said which she smiled at, getting up before pulling me up with her.

We walked over to the sea and I dipped a toe in the freezing cold water. Leah laughed at me before she stood into the water covering her ankles with no problem.

She held her hand out for me to hold and help me into the water. I took her hand and slowly got my feet wet.

Suddenly I felt a wave come and hit me in the shin making my tracksuit wet. Leah let go of my hand as she started walking in a bit more.

She turned around to see that I still hadn't moved, while she had the water almost up to her knees. She came close to me which I thought was to help me in, but instead she splashed water on me.

I took a deep breath and shook my head while she laughed at me. "You messed up big time." I told her while I splashed her back.

We went back and forward like that until we were almost soaking wet, since we were already wet I decided to just go for it and I jumped up tackling Leah into the water. Leaving us both dripping.

"Jordan!" She shouted.

"I told you you messed up." I said before she pushed me back into the water.

We tackled each other leaving us dripping wet before we slowly came out of the water and back to grab our shoes before we headed back to the hotel.

We ran around the empty city, laughing and pushing each other until we got to the hotel. A few of the girls looked at us with a confused look in their face when we walked in.

"What?" Jordan asked.

"We're dripping wet Jordan, that's what they're staring at." I whispered to her.

"Oh... I see." She said, making me laugh.


"You seem to have had an eventful afternoon." Lucy tells me as I come into our room.

"Well it wouldn't have happened if you guys would pick up your phones." I said directly heading to the bathroom to shower.

"Just be thankful, I know you enjoyed the afternoon." She teased me.

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