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Olivia Thomas stepped into the cool interior of the Solana, Benidorm, closely followed by her travelling companions: Joey Ellis and Tiger Dyke.

"Mate, this holidays going to be lit!" Tiger exclaimed as they got to the counter.

"Two rooms under the name Thomas, mate... ma'am." Livia corrected herself.

"That'll have to go down to one lady, we don't have 'nough space for you to have two rooms." The man answered, he was dressed in a wig and make-up and his nametag said 'Lesley'.

"I'll sleep in Liv's bed." Joey said a stupid smile appearing on his face as he other two turned to face him.

"NO!" They shouted in unison.

"I mean, come on mate, you can sleep in mine." Tiger said, turning and widening his eyes at Olivia, before he grabbed the wristbands and room keys off the counter, and walked towards the elevators.

"Elevators aren't working pet, you'll have to take the stairs." Lesley shouted after them. The three groaned, before heaving the suitcases upstairs.

"I'm beginning to understand just why your mother hates this place, Tige." Olivia said before leaning into the door to their room, it pushed in and she walked into the space. "Small room, could do with a tele, but cosy, I like it."

"Good," Tiger said as he slumped onto the sofa. "'Cause we ain't changing it."

"Hey guys," Joey was stood by the door with a guy who had red dungarees on. "I found Jesus."

"Omg," Livia rolled her eyes. "Lo siento, amigo." She pulled Joey into the apartment. "It's pronounced hey-zoos. We are in Spain."

Tiger was wetting himself on the sofa at Joey's humour. "Mate you really need to learn some Español." He said laughing.

"What, like the dog?" Joey said also laughing.

"I give up with you two." The girl said grabbing her bag and going into the bathroom, laughing a little. She came out about five minutes later with a yellow bikini covered in pineapples and a pair of shorts over the top. "Ready to go?"

"Yeah, mate." Tiger yanked his shirt over his head and walked out the door, the other two sharing a look then quickly following suit.

They quickly found some sunbeds, and set up camp. Olivia went to the bar and a family of people walked past her. A man, his wife, presumably, a little girl who smiled at Livie as she walked past, an old man, grandad to the family, an old woman and a tall blonde teenager. He looked about her age, and slipped out of the group to get drinks. 

The boy leaned on the counter, "Lemonade, orange juice, small tequila, brandy and two pints of Larger, please mate." He tapped on the counter and looked towards Liv who was obviously staring, the faint sound of Tiger and

Joey laughing made her go red. "Hey, Rob. Nice to meet you." He reached a hand out towards her as Tiger approached and she looked away trying to hide the embarrassment.

"Tiger Dyke," He said, shaking Rob's hand. "That's Olivia Thompson." He gestured towards her, "And that bloke over there is Joey." Joey smiled a wide smile and waved at Rob, he returned an awkward wave back.

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