Author's Note + Catch Up

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Welcome to the fourth book of Clouded Skies! I would (obviously) recommend reading the first three books first, but I guess you can do you. And I decided that, since three books comprised of a total of eighty chapters is a lot, I'm going to put a simple description of each book just so everybody remembers the general plotline of what was happening. If you don't want to read it you can just kinda skip through it.

EDIT: I'm currently near the end of the fourth book of this series, but I decided to rewrite the story and will no longer update for this storyline, but I will keep the books up to be read

The First Storm:
Ravenpaw becomes a medicine cat apprentice and discovers he can see briefly into the future by touching a cat's nose, while Rowanpaw of BatClan struggles with starving survival. A Twoleg is found dead in the EchoClan forest, and the apprentices get in trouble for going to see it, with surprisingly harsh punishments from their leader. Rowanpaw goes on a journey into the Old Twolegplace, which was ravaged by a fire around the time the Clans were created. He and three warriors are trying to find something to help their Clan, and though there is some prey in the town there is so much soot and danger that it might not be worth it, yet they continue. They end up finding a tom named Rohan, who ends up being revealed as Rowanpaw's father. They meet up with Aspenheart, Rowanpaw's long-lost mother, and he is furious, as he hates her for abandoning him. He also finds out he has three little sisters. Ravenpaw is visited by the first leader of his Clan, Echo, and learns a little about the past. Rowanpaw, his Clanmates, and the Twolegplace cats are attacked by foxes and decide to go back to BatClan together. Ravenpaw considers getting rid of his power, but Echo convinces him to keep it. He returns home to find out Twolegs have invaded. Dawnstar is hesitant about letting in the rogues and trusting Aspenheart again, but she decides it's worth the risk.

The Twolegplace cats are welcomed into BatClan as real members, and at a Gathering, Acornstar reveals more of her unstable personality. Twolegs are encroaching more and more on EchoClan territory, and Blossompaw is injured quite badly. They decide to attack the Twolegs and their dogs, managing to drive them out after Russetdawn is extremely injured. Rowanpaw struggles with dealing with his parents in BatClan and works with Birchsplash to rescue two kits and drop them off at EchoClan. Sadly, the tom dies quickly, but Goldenpool takes in the she-kit despite Acornstar's anger. Rowanpaw experiences a great shock with Emberheart's death and Hopekit's birth, and breaks on the inside. Ravenpaw learns of the existence of MothClan, and goes to find the father of the kit they found, Maple, with the help of Jaypaw. They find Rain, and bring him back to EchoClan, where he is allowed to join. Acornstar is furious, but the Clan is quickly distracted by the approaching battle with SageClan, which they are very divided about. Russetdawn dies from what is believed to be an infected wound, and Foxpounce and their kits are incredibly upset. At her vigil, Ravenpaw finds out she was expecting kits when her ghost briefly visits him. Acornstar forces them to fight SageClan, and the Clan is furious when they lose the battle. Blossompaw is mysteriously healed.

Silent Stars:

It's revealed Blossompaw killed Russetdawn after being influenced by long-dead Brookstar, a traitorous leader that killed many cats. Ravenpaw and Mossrain are shocked by Blossompaw's sudden healing, while Acornstar is angry and perhaps a little scared, and realizes Blossompaw is being trained by Brookstar. She flees but returns later that night to try to kill her. Ravenpaw wakes and stops her, but she runs from camp in a storm and is unable to be followed. Eagleclaw struggles to remain calm and keep control during this confusing time. Rowanpaw is still broken after Emberheart's death and barely recognizes everything around him. After some infighting, EchoClan decides to send a patrol after Acornstar when Ravenpaw has a vision at the Moonstream. Rowanpaw sneaks into EchoClan and overhears that Acornstar is gone, but on his way home he's confronted by Aspenheart, and after a fight with a fox he kills her. Dawnstar decides to exile him. An EchoClan patrol quickly finds him but decides to leave him be, only for Willowpaw to begin to visit him. At the Gathering, Dawnstar admits the weakness of her Clan, and CrowClan and SageClan both give some territory. Blossompaw furthers her training with Brookstar and Boulderclaw returns early from the patrol with the three kits of Snowfern's missing sister. Dawnstar, knowing BatClan will be weak for quite a while, allows them to stay in EchoClan. Meanwhile, after traveling quite far, the patrol closes in on Acornstar. They almost stray into MothClan territory but Rain manages to help them keep their distance, and with the help of an old loner they find Acornstar. Ravenpaw learns of her horrible past where she killed for Brookstar but convinces her to return to EchoClan to remove her lives. But when they are leaving they are attacked by dogs and Silverstrike is killed. Later in the day Rain, Shadefur, Stonecoat, and Ravenpaw go back to find his body, but Ravenpaw is captured by Twolegs. Meanwhile, Willowpaw continues with helping Rowanpaw out his grief.

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