Chapter 3: Your here!

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"Okay Shou! I'll tuck Natsu in, goodnight Sunshine"

"Night you guys" he said kissed both of their foreheads as a goodnight too.
Third POV

After the little encounter with Tsukkishima, Hinata thought it was time for him to go to bed. He walked up to his room and climbed into bed. He wraped himself in the blankets after plugging his phone in. Slowly drifting into deep slumber. After an exhausting day, he was whipped out.


Hinata woke up with a yawn and stretched. The sound of his alarm clock blaring in his ears made him groan. He got up after throwing an internal fit, and walked to his closet. Grabbing clothes and walking to the bathroom tiredly.

Stripping of his clothes and hoping in the shower. He felt a little refreshed. The warm water hiring his back and front. He now half awake and started to wash up. Washing his hair with his strawberry sented shampoo and conditioner. Feeling refreshed and clean, he hoped out and wrapped a towel around his waist.

He walked into his room with the towel around his waist. Walking up to his clothes, he started to get dressed. As he was putting his shirt on his sister, Natsu, busted into the room.
"Nii-chan! Kei-nii is here. He says his mom told his to walk us to school," the little ginger said. Hinata just nodded pulling his shirt on fully and walking out of the room. Not before grabbing his phone ofcourse.

He walked in to kitchen to find food and a note on the countertop.

Dear Shou,
I had to leave early for work today. So, I called Shizu and asked her if Kei could come walk to school with you. I know it's a weird request, but I didn't want you to walk to school alone with Natsu. Make sure to pick up Natsu after practice. Be good and safe! I love you.

-ママ <3

After reading the note, he sighed and started to eat the food left for him. While he was eating he felt a presence behind him so he turned around and found Kei standing there looking at him.
"Can I help you? You look like a creep staring at me" Hinata said calmly.
"No, just watching. You smell good." He said bluntly, making Hinata blush. Mumbling a small, 'whatever idiot' before going back to eating.

"Okay, I'm finished eating," the ginger said. Tsukkishima hummed as a reply and walked to the door. "SUNFLOWER COME ON! WE GOTTA GO!" Hinata yelled out to his little sister. The two older boys heard small pitter patter of feet coming their way. "I'm ready Nii-chan!" She said happily.

Walking out the door, The older ginger locked the house up and walking upto the other two that were waiting. The two Hinata's held hands while walking. It was silent, beside every now and then when the three started a little conversation.

Walking closer to Natsu's school, she let go of her brothers hand. Run up to the gate, because she seen her friend, greeting the person there.
"Natsu, we're gonna go ahead and go to school. Bye Sunflower!" He said kissing her forehead walking away. Hearing a small voice scream, "Bye Nii-chan!" Back.

"So you guys have nicknames?" Tsukkishima snickered. "Shut up bean pole. Our parents started to call us that when we were little," he started, "so they just stuck. To my parents I'm like the sun, hence my name, so they call me Sunshine. While my sister, they didn't wanna call her Sunshine too so they gave her one close to mine. That's why her nickname is Sunflower, she's a flower in my eyes anyway." He said. Tsukki just nodded.

Once they made it to the little girl in the road. They continued their way to school. Finally making it to the gate they made their way to the club room to change. Walking into the room, they find no one in there. Assuming that they were either late, or made it before everyone. Fully changed they walk into the gym.

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