saying goodbye

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i woke up to a vibration under my pillow. I sat up and grabbed my phone and looked at the clock 5:00 am. ugh why do i have to get up so damn early.. i thought to my self why sitting at the edge of my bed. I finally found the energy and walked to my closet. I found black and white high wasted shorts with a maroon croptop that said "1957" i layed them on my messed up bed and walked to my bathroom. I looked at my self and my ,ong brown blonde and red hair was all over the place. I had short suoerman pj shorts on with a black half tang top on. i knew i wasnt the most skinnest person in the world but i wasnt that fat. I turned on my shower and keptmt hair in a bun so it wouldnt get wet. The only way i could wake up is if i stood in the shower for a few miniutes. I got out and dryed off i put clean swear pants on and my tang top to get ready in. i used my clean and clear face wash and put a little foundation on and a little mascara. I plugged in my staritener and walked inmy room i put on all my clothes and some no show socks. I walked back in my bathrooma and took my hair out. brushed it and curled the ends slightly. I ran downstairs grabbing my maroon jansport backpack and set it at the bar in out kitchen. I walked over to the side of the fridge and grabbed a apple. Im not much of a breakfast person and my mom alwasy makes me eat even though im not ever hungry. I saw nate sitting down eating a bowl of frosted flakes and watching some cartoons. For a 17teen year old he sure acted like a kid. I was jsut about to get my lisenes and i still cant drive. dumb.. Nate took me to school cnsidering we went to the same school. I went into the closet by my garage door and grabbed my maroon vans with a black outline. 9maroons my favorite color clearly) I walked back ina slipped my binder back in my bad and walked into the lioving roo and told my brother we needed to leave before were late.. again..

"yeah yeah" my brother nagged while still watching tv

"nate we have 20 minuites before class startes and it takes 5 minutes to get there and i need to go to my locker and lucky for me my class is on the other side of the school from my locker!" i said wallking towrds him

"alright alright geez let me grab my bag" he said clicking the tv off and headed for the kitchen to put his bowl in the sink and grab his bag

"thankyou" i said walking towrds the door

Natewalked like a elephante so i could already here him coming. Mom and josh had already left for work. So i hopped in the front seaty and waited for nate. He came and rushed to the car out of breath. Wr now only had 15 minutes. When we pulled up to school people were still out side so i knew i wasnt going to be theonly one late. I ran in not saying a word to nate and headed for my locker . 12-22-16 i pushed the buttan and my locker opened. I grabbed my history book and language orts notebook and cut trough the library even though your not allowed to do that but i honestly didnt care. I ade it look like i was looking for a bood and then rushed out the other doos. I walked in to my class with 3 minues to spare. I sat down and everyone looked for mrs.taylor. we mst have a sub today. YES i thought causei forgot my book here so i couldnt do the homework. oops. The sub walked in. He was a older man with really thick glasses and slight gray hair. He walked to the front of the room and did the ussual. Said his name said mrs.taylo was gone and what we would be doing. He said we would have to watch a movie and take stupid notes ..

*skip class cause i can lol*

class was over and i headed to language arts. we talked about some stupid shit. i was on my phone most of class and i didt really listen. yeah thats me.. after 9:55 passed me and my friend haleigh koa maddie and bailey walked to choir. YASS me and haleigh yelled we both love it. i love singing and i think im bretty good.. we wrked on out sone 'safe and sound' bye taylor swift ft the civel war. (a/n im using a lot of stuff from my real like like i had a sub in history today and had to watch a movie and i was on my phone all class in language arts and i am really singing safe and sound in chior soo yeah.. is that bad?" choir was over and i walked to lunch i talked witht eh rest of my friends about the move and mary.." i was still scared even though i already kinda have a friend.. My class after lunch was band. i played the flue and i was in the front row. that class was borning cause i hurt my arm in ceer and couldnt play 9 a/n actully happened hurt my arm tumbling) the rest of my day was boring had a test in sciense had to do cross multiply and ivide in math and the day was over.. I got home and relized tomorrow was frinday.. I was leaving saurdat  night.. i was still scared. I got home did my homeowrk and showered and brushed my teeth washed my face put my hair in a bun and went to sleep..

A/N in this chapter a lot of stuff actully happened to me i couldnt think of anything so i used my real life.. idk im lame like that THIS STUPID COMPUTER DONT HAVE EMOJIES... whatever then anyways peace chicken nuggets lol jk byeee

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