The pilot😙

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This all started on a Monday morning/afternoon....

hi so as many of you may know im amiyah you can call me miyah for short don't ever call me amy.Anyway lets get on to the story .

*back to the regular story*

its a monday afternoon school is almost over i wake up to my alarm.the current time reads 6:30 i sigh then i get up.I first make up my bed then i get my hygiene stuff ready then i hop my sexy ass in the shower.After the shower i get dress. i wear this (the image).

After i get dress i look in the mirror and hype myself up

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After i get dress i look in the mirror and hype myself up.Why? you may ask because you have to remember your a bad bitch and you only impress yourself.i then do my hair(like the picture) then i put on some jewelery(like the picture).

after i spray myself with some vanilla scented perfume that i got from the body shop.Then i grab my purse that phone,some money,a pocket knife,some mace,a miniture gel,a brush,a comb,some scrunchies,and also my charger,and an emergency clip with a mini lighter.

i know thats a lot but i go to do what i have to do.after i get my car keys and headout (in  white range rover). Then i call one of my besties asia.

:"hey asia girll"

asia:"hey bestiee"

:"how you doing on this fine school morning"

asia":girl im stressing"

;"ok im gonna pick you up"

asia:"what could i do with out you"

:"nothing ofcourse"


i laughed then i hung up.then i made my way over to asia she lives about ten mins away from me .Then i call the others to see how they doing

:"hey yall


:"do yall need a ride

jordan:nah we good i picked up yasmeen already

:"ok we well see yall soon

then i hung up.Those two are closer to eatch other.but we are all still a friend group if you know what i mean. me and asia go and get breakfast then we meet up with the others.

:. ahhhh there are my girls

yasmeen:he bitchhh


jordan:we look so smexy

:"for real but lets get our stuff then head to homeroom.

asia:yeah because i don't want mr,kucho to be an ass

we get our stuff then we go to our seats which of course is in a group circle. Then im tryna be nosy so i go

:" how is yall boo's

jordan: "chill he ain't ask me out yet.And i will sure not be asking him out."

:'purrr get your bag

jordan: "you feel me"

Then we give eatch eatch other high fives .

" how about you yasmeen"

yasmeen:girl we good we on the talking stage

:'asia how about you"

asia:" you already know we on the freaky shit" but we on the talking stage

:" damn yall

jordan:lets talk about you are you talking to anyone?

:' nah im just doing me

yasmeen:you should start talking with kobe

:"nah we were childhood friends"

lowkey i really wanted him tough we have the same personality.But he got to many hoes.And im not finna seem like one of his girl toys.

yasmeen:girl if you say so.

Then teacher starts talking."can you lady quiet down". "sure mr.k we are sorry about that" says yasmeen.After that the boys walk in."you boys are late".says mr.k." my bad" says kobe then they sit in the table close to ours,

jordan i got an idea

:"oh boy

asia: whats the idea?

jordan:lets invite them over for truth or dare

:" ok bet:

Then i get up and walk over too the the boys."aye do yall wanna come over this friday" i say.

" sure what we doing he says" *smirks* then i slap his arm. "ow" he cries.we gonna play truth or dare and watch movies. "ok bet" says the boys then i head back to the girls.

:"they said they coming"

the girls:ayyyy

*bell rings its time for second period*

The girls pick up their things and head out

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