Is this love?

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Back to Amiyah's pov

Schools overs I'm getting ready to get my stuff and go home.Before I leave I text the girls to see if they need a ride. They say no so I headout.

As I was walking out I see Kobe I hurried to my car as fast as I can.but Kobe's 6' foot long giraffe neck ass caught up to me.but as soon I try to hurry up and open my door he shut it.

Amiyah:can I help you?

Kobe:look I'm sorry

*I laughed in disappointment*

Amiyah:so if I took your phone and threw it,and said sorry to it would it automatically be fixed?

Kobe:no *looking down at his feet *


As I said Turning around to open the door again,Then he does the same thing.

Amiyah: can you just let me go *crosses arms*

Kobe:look I just wanna make it up to you

Amiyah: mmk

Kobe:I'll pick you up at 7:00


Then I turn around get in the car and drive off.
I play my favorite song

^this song "telepacia by kali uchis

This my favorite song it helps me feel calm and not overwhelmed.

"You know I'm just a flight away"

"If you wanted you can take a private plan"

"A kilomentros estamos conectando"

Y me prendes aunque no me estos tocando"

*Then the group calls*


Jordan:wasss poppin



Amiyah:where y'all at

Asia:I'm with mike

Jordan:I'm with Derek

Yasmeen:I'm with vallyk

My smile went away because I feel left out,everyone's boo'd up and I'm not.But I can't show them that I'm jealous so I say

Amiyah:damn y'all just gon leave me out like that?

Mike:hey that's not our fault?

Amiyah:asia you just gon let your Manz say that

Asia:He's not my man,and he's kinda right.

Mike:oh so I'm not your man now? we will call y'all back

I know she's about to get her doonies beat down,

Derek:damn mike is about to make her limp.

Jordan : shut up *then she starts laughing *

Derek: oh fr? We will call you back.

That leaves me, yasmeen  and vallyk on the phone. But by the time I look over to them they are already swallowing eatch others face. I just hang up

I continue driving home, I get home it's 5:00 so I make myself some lunch and watch some tv.

By the time I look at the time Its  6:00,So I get up and take a shower. I did my lil hygiene routine and washed my face .

Then I get dress, I didn't wanna be too classy because I didn't know what type of  "date" it's going to be. i also wanna put on something comfy.

 i also wanna put on something comfy

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This is the outfit^

I didn't wanna be to "dressy" because that's not my
Man ,But I also wanna show off the amount of  a bad bitch i am.

I put on some lashes and lipgloss.Then i take my hair out so I can put it in a curly Afro.

Then i get a text from Kobe

Mean while I pack my carry bag,Which has my charger,wipes,pads,pocket knife,taser,money,and some weed

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Mean while I pack my carry bag,Which has my charger,wipes,pads,pocket knife,taser,money,and some weed. Then I get a text from Kobe saying he's outside.I head out the door

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