Friends with benefits?😳

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Asia: I saw what you did in the car, do you still love him or not?

Me: to be honest I don't know y'all....

We finally got back to school.we are like 5 mins late.I hope the teachers don't bitch like always

Vallyk: are y'all ready


We get out the car,and again Kobe tries to talk to me but I brush him off because we about be late.what's wrong with that boy we literally on the verge of being late.

I get to my classroom , everyone is staring at me because I'm sweating and I'm outta breath I just go to my seat and sit down.

Teacher:You are late ms.bern

Amaya: I'm so sorry

Teacher:just sit back and  learn

That's exactly what I did,well not exactly I start overthinking. Why does Kobe wanna talk me? Does he wanna drop me? Omgosh I'm scared

30 mins pass this class is about to be over, I start packing my stuff back up into my book bag.Then the bell rings I'm free.

I go to my locker,and text out big group chat,which has the boys and the girls on it,

I go to my locker,and text out big group chat,which has the boys and the girls on it,

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Just imagine that being a gc form^

Of course Kobe was the only one to say yes. I just think about all the replies I'm gonna reply to him.
As I'm walking to the doors.

As I'm approaching Kobe,he has a big smile on his face.Damn he miss me that much. He's obsessed. I finally get to him.

Kobe:so I've been tryna talk to you because....

Me: I keep walking because I got places to be

Kobe: come on stink

Me:don't call me that

Kobe:why are you still mad at me?

Me: I still can't believe you

Kobe: come on what do I have to do

Me:nothing kobe

Kobe:trust me again " fake temper tantrum"

Me: *laughs* why  do you want to be close again?, you didn't care about me when you told my business

Then I tried to exit the conversation, Kobe pulls me by the back of my neck.Then whispers In my ear

Kobe:you better stop misbehaving..

Then I whisper back...

Me:or what?

Kobe:mhmm keep playing

Me: whatever Kobe get a car

We get in the car and I play some music, I put on a ji song. And I just start  getting in my bag. Kobe doesn't pay me no mind. Secretly I know he is then  I start overthinking. Like always that's  my safe place. Kobe is  staring at me.

Me:what nigga?

Kobe:keep playing

I laugh then I take kobe Home as we turn for the driveway

Kobe:what are you doing

Me:taking you home

Kobe: didn't you say or else

Me alright

I pulled out the driveway to start going home. Kobe is so fine I think to myself

Kobe:I know I am

Me: yo bro stop

Kobe laughs and we can you yo drive to my house,we get out the car and I take him up stairs.we get up stairs.he pushes me in the bed and we start making out.damn he is so good at that then he starts moving down to the neck.

Then the door opens

To be continued....

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