Co Stars İn Love (Alycia)

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This ine was Requested from gaytingz33 ~~~

Thank you for the Request!

İt was no suprise That Y/n has a Crush On Alycia ı mean do you see Her!

And it was obvious well Y/n is Lucky That alycia İndeed likes Her her Back again she is obvious but Y/n thinks She stands no chance against Alycia same goes To Alycia

So how did they Meet They are Co Stars For A Movie they are Suppose To be Lovers İn the movie And Soon they Will have A Love Making scene Well the dirty.
Y/n P O V

Nope ı cant do this I know for sure I will do something embarrassing I just Know it!
But ım excited Too! Like ım gonna Kiss Alycia THE alycia!

What if she thinks ım a bad kisser What if she hates me after it

"Y/n!" Mary shouted She plays İn the movie aswell

"Stop being nervous" She said

"How can I ım kissing Alycia!" I said

"İdiot Don't worry" She said and left

Mary is aggressive But still Love her

[Time skip]

Today was the day!
The Scene Where we are kissing

"Y/n Alycia we are ready to film the scene!" the director Shouted I looked over at Alycia She nodded And ı went up İnside

The plot was that Me and Alycia Are fighting and we start To kiss Easy right? Right?


Im sitting in a chair when Alycia (Marie) storms İnside

"I told you not to accept it!" she shouted

I stood up

"You are not my anything why would ı Even care Marie!" My Character said

"You don't know how dangerous it is Chloe!" She shouts

"Why would you even care huh!" My Character Chloe Shouts

Marie(Alycia) Comes Closer To me

"I do Care Chloe" she softly says

"Doesn't seem Like it" I say

"You don't give A Fuck About me!" I shout And She suddenly Kisses Me ı kissed back and We aggressively were Making Out She whispered Jump I jumped and Hugged Her Waist With my legs she Carried Me over the Table And we Continued to kiss She started to Take my Clothes Of my body and I did the same to her

We were Both in our Bras

She Carried me over the bed

And CUT!
"That was Awesome Girls you did great That's Why it will only be one take" The director Said and Left shortly after that

I looked over to Alycia and She was Blushing Furiously same Goes with me I could feel my cheeks Burning.

İt was getting awkward So ı decided to say something

"so uh" I said But I couldn't say anything else My mind was Full of the kiss that just Happened

" I enjoyed it" she said Which Shocked Me

"Oh uh me too" I said
She walked Over to me Kissed my cheek and whispered into my ear
Then left

I am sure that by know my Face is like a Tomato

Soon I left To see Mary

"İdiot I've Been looking for you. Alycia said To meet in the place you did the scene" Mary says and Leaves

I really hope I won't embarrass myself
But ı probably Did İt anyways

I left To Find Alycia When she saw me She instantly Kissed Me I was shocked But ı kissed her Back When Oxygen became a problem We pulled Away

"w-what" I asked

"I really Like you" She Said

"I-ı like you too" I said

"Good cause I was scared you didn't feel the same way, it actually took a lot of time for me to be this Confident" she Nervously said

I blushed

"I want to take you on A Date" She said

"I would Love to" I said and She smiled

"Friday I will text the details" She said and Connected our lips together then Pulled away

I was Blushing Furiously when she leaned over to my ear and Whispered

"You look Cute When you Blush"

That made me Blush even more

"Stop you are making Me blush" I said

She kissed My cheek

"I need to go Now but I will Call you okay?" She asked

"Okay yes" I said Excited

She Holded Her hand for me to take I took her hand And we walked Outside To leave

She kissed me when She spotted Her Car Then pulled away

"Bye" she said

Thanks for Reading✌🏻
Once again thank you to
For Requesting

Im doing urs Next alyciajasminswifey


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