Angry With Me

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Sometimes People Don't tell the Reason's for their Actions it could be anything but you won't know since they are Not telling you the reason behind it.

And that's what is happening to Y/n right Now.

Y/n P. O. V

I still don't understand why Lexa isn't talking to me And ı tried to remember anything that ı did Which would anger Her 2 days ago But all I had Was Nothing and Lexa doesn't get angry For Nothing and İts making Me furious to see that anytime ı try to talk with Lexa She Just ignores Me! Only if she Tells me the reason behind all This Maybe no I Can Fix it... I try to remember again Every little things we did Yesterday We woke Up had A bath together braided Each others hair Wore Our Clothes that She had to leave because of her Duty And I went to training With Octavia oh at some Point my braids Needed fixing So ı asked Xena To fix it then I ate with Theodore then hung out With Raven a Little bit, when I came back from seeing Raven Lexa was Completely İgnoring Me.

I tried to talk to her But She gave small answers and Didn't talk to me afterwards ı even asked her if she is ignoring me but she said No but Like Bvtch Do you think ım blind?! Whenever ım Looking at her she Looks away I asked Octavia but she said She Will 'Come to her senses' well That isn't happening she isn't even looking at me.

I feel Like she will never talk to me again And That makes Me feel Hurt Because Lexa İs my World She is my true Love but ı think ım not Like that to her ı mean she hasn't Talked to me For 2 days And she always finds a way to Talk to me even when she is on Duty she Just does But Now She ignores Me Like ım nothing To her and the worst part is that I don't know what I did Wrong!

The only person that could understand me ay this situation is Xena

I went up to Her she was Having a Break when she saw me coming She patted to the spot Next to her so ı sar down Next to her

"Hello Y/n" she said With A big smile her Long Red hair İn braids just like Mine She said we would Look like twins Honestly We Look nothing like except The braids But We still look cute

"Hi Xena You know about the Lexa thing" I said she looked a Little shocked to be honest ı tought She knew that Me and Lexa weren't even Looking at each other, more Like Lexa not Looking at me I always look at her Begging with my Eyes for her to Look at me but she never does

"I tought that stupid fight Finished between you two" she said ı think Something caught Her eye So she looked At someone

"Your Girlfriend is Giving me Death Glares" She said

"wait what" I said And Looked at the direction she was Looking at to see an angry Lexa looking at the both of us she kinda looked hot kinda? No she looks very Hot

"Your drooling Y/n" Xena Said Making me stop looking at Lexa and Blush at her words

"I think you two should have a talk you know" she said but talk About what I don't know what to talk about ı don't even know why she is Angry at me

"How?" I asked she Looked at me and giggled

"İt's Not that Hard Y/n. I mean it's Lexa it won't be that long for her to talk to you. you guys are in Love" She said I smiles at her Knowing she was Right

"And when ı Said İt won't be that Long For lexa To talk to You ı think ı mean now, lexa is Coming here" She said
Oh shzt
"What do ı do?!" I asked

"Act Normal Y/n" She said
Ok y/n just act Normal
Lexa got closer she looked at me dead in the eye
"You are coming To my room we will have a talk" she said she Left before ı could even say anything

Xena Started Laughing

"go Y/n your Daddy is waiting" she said which made me Laugh Loudly

[Time Skip]

I was infront of Lexa's Door ı finally knocked in the door She said Come in I got in

"You asked me to talk to you after 2 days" I said

"Cut The Crap Y/n why were you talking to Xena" she asked roughly

"Because she is my friend You have a problem with that" I asked

"Do Not talk back to me Y/n ı asked you a Question" she said

"Because ı wanted Her advice" I said

"Bullshit" she said

"Why have you been ignoring me" I said having enough Of her behavior

"You replaced your Braids" She said

"What" I asked

"You replaced My braids With Xena's Braids" She said i finally understood İt she thought I didn't Love her anymore because ı replaced her braids with Xena's braids she thought all this time ı Loved Xena?!

"You Got it all wrong" I said

"Don't you dare Lie to me Y/n" she said

"Im Not Lying ı Dont love Xena I love you Lexa" I said her expression softens at my words

"I replaced my braids because They Got opened So Xena told me she can braid my hair and I accepted İt Lexa" I said she looked down a little

"Sorry" A faint Voice Said

"İts Okay but don't you dare Ever think that I will chose someone Over you" I said and she nodded ı walked closer to her and connected our lips
She started Exploring my mouth With Her tounge ı Moaned a Little Our Tounges started Fighting for dominance And ı won when oxygen became A problem we both pulled away from Each others Lips slowly.

I looked at those forest green eyes

"I love you" she said

"I love you too" I said

"But Do not ever ignore Me again! Or ı Will Attack You with Kisses" I said and She chuckled

"Oh really" she said

"Oh you want proof" I said
And started attacking her With Kisses.

A Long one finally Hope you enjoyed it and How would you guys Think about Smut?
Just asking

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