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Y/n and Lexa has been Dating For a few years and Lexa hasn't been making any moves on Marrying Y/n of course Y/n wants to get married with Lexa and She is too Shy to ask Lexa That Even though They have been dating for a few years she still Thinks Lexa Will Say she is Not ready so She Tried to Move on From wanting to get Married with her.

The Grounders Liked Y/n She Was Smart, wise And Powerful all Needed For Their Heda.

Y/n P. O. V

Today the Nightbloods had Training Lexa told me Yesterday about it so ı don't get worried When ı don't see her in bed. I got out The Bed Had Bath weared My Clothes, braided my h/c hair and wire my War paint And Left our Room to Find Lexa.

When ı found Them They were done with their Training Maybe since ı wake up late or Maybe that ı took way more time that ı should have tooked for having a bath but these are Just Maybe's.

I Went up yo Lexa and Kissed Her Cheek İt was No suprise for the Nightbloods they knew Our relationship With Lexa.

"Heda can ı ask a question" one of the Nightbloods asked Lexa Nodded

"When will you And Y/n get married Heda?" He asked I almost choked On air But acted like it was Cooi ı wanted to hear what Lexa's response would be ı made my hoped high and waited for her to answer the Kids Question after a few second she spoke "When The right Time Comes" My Hopes Went high from Low Real Quick

Soon the Nightbloods Left it was Just me and Her

"Are you okay Hodnes you seem down" she asked

"No ım Okay Lexa I feel a Little sick that's all" I said not wanting to talk about the whole marrige thing

"Do you want me to call Nyko to look at you" she said Actually ı could use Nyko right now Not for Looking at me Nyjo is My friend And He listens to me and ı need to Talk to someone and Raven' s working Octavia is on a hunt Clarke ı don't even know where she is.

"Yeah actually but tell him not to bring anything ı Just want to talk" I said Lexa Nodded.

[Time skip]

Nyko Finally came

"Come her Nyko Sit down" I said
And he sat down

"Heda Told me you wanted to Talk" he said

"Yeah remember that time ı told you about The marrige thing" I said
And he Nodded

"Well ı was Slowly getting over it but today A Nightblood asked us when we would Get married and Lexa told him 'when the right Time comes' it has been years Nyko and the time isn't coming" I added

"You must Know by now that Lexa doesn't Really show her feelings to anyone and Maybe she Needs to find The right Time by herself She is serious About your relationship with her ı can see it But maybe she isn't Ready" he Said ı Nodded he had a point Lexa İs not a person to show her feelings

"Thanks Nyko" I said and Hugged him I needed an hug and he was there He is Like my brother and for him I am like his Liylle Sister So there was No Problem

I hear some foot steps and Lexa enters I Pulled away from the hug and say "Thanks again Nyko"

"No problem Y/n Anytime" He Said and Left before Bowing

"why were you that close to Him" she asked

"I was Feeling a Little down and he helped me" I said Not understanding Why she seemed angry

"You could've asked me to Help you" She said

"I could've but You wouldn't understand it Lexa" I said
That made her even more angry them before

"why can't ı understand it and Nyko can?!" she asked

"Lexa Please it's Nothing you should worry About like ı said before ı only Love you okay" I said she calmed down a Little

"Okay but you need to tell Me what it is about" she said I didn't really want to tell her about it since ı don't know what her reaction would be like

"can ı tell it Later Please Lexa" I asked

"Okay but if you don't tell me what it is about ı Will find it out myself and you know I will" she said and ı nodded ı know she will find a way to find İt out even if ı was Okay with her not Knowing it ı needed to tell her Now! İf she finds out from someone else she will be more angry

"Lexa?" I said
She turned to look at me
"Yes Hodnes" she said

"The thing ı was talking with Nyko was Because uh because ı want to Marry" I said
"What!?" she asked furious ı didn't think she would react like that

"Who are you gonna marry?!" she shouted this Girl is really smart but Dumb At the same time

"You of course!" I said and she calmed down

"Oh" she said

"You really do?" she asked

"Yeah ı didn't want to tell you this because you would say No" I said

"Who Said ı would say No" she said

"You don't ever Talk about the whole marrige thing with me Lexa and you always tell when he right time comes" I said

"You Misunderstood me Y/n ı tought you didn't want to to make the first step but you never did talk about Marriage" she said

"Lexa ı would Like nothing better than getting married with you" I said Her eyes Lit up
"You would" she said and ı nodded
She connected our Lips Together and asked for entrance I have her Entrance Our Tounges Fighted for dominance and she won She started To Suck My Bottom Lip which made me moan Loudly ı started sucking on her Bottom Lip too Which caused Her to Moan Loudly Like me when oxygen became a problem We Slowly pulled away.

We smile at each Other

"I will be your Wife right" I asked

"Yes Hodnes you will be" she said it made my heart Melt

"I love you" I said

"I love you too" she said

I couldn't wait to get married with her I wanted this For Months now wait Years I planned our future Since when we first Started Dating but this time it is Finally starting to Get real and Let me say this I Love it.

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