Chapter 22

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ok ig i tried making it longer than usual bc i was absent for the weekend sooo yeah also ty for all the birthday wishes ily xoxo


Jake POV

It had now been weeks (in total 3 months since Jake's been in a dorm) since the Kaylee incident and thank god she got over Sunghoon. Not gonna lie I'm kinda glad that happened because Sunghoon and I became closer than before, not so close as that we're in a relationship though. And don't worry we've already informed everyone else of what happened because Jungwon went full-on fucking secret agent mode and stalked us everywhere. Not to mention Heeseung and Jay being the simps they are helping Jungwon invade our privacy.

Anyway, Sunghoon and I are currently in detention because we tried doing the class a favor in math by killing the fly with our thicker than a snicker juicy caboose textbooks but we ended up hitting the fan and you know what happens next.

Anyways to pass time, we were doing rock paper scissors to see who would have to draw on the sleeping teachers face- who was suPPOSED to be watching over the detention kids but I guess this is better 😗

"Rock paper scissors SHOOT" we chanted until one of us reached 3 points, Sunghoon ended up winning (F in chat for me 😔)

"I was ONE point away! ONE!!" I complained, "I demand a rematch, plus I won the first 2 rounds, It's always the first round that counts" I tried to negotiate because this was the same teacher that put us in detention last time. "Nope" Sunghoon grinned cheekily, I bet he's enjoying my suffering.

Meanwhile Sunghoon POV

Jakey looks so cute when he's upset. I just wanna pinch his cute puffed-out cheeks and savor his soft pouty lips.

Jake huffed snapping me out of my fantasies as he stood up, walking as quietly as he could since the detention room's floorboards are literally demented like as in if you take one step it'll sound like a bomb went off. Ok no, I'm exaggerating but they really do creak with every step you take.

As Jake reached the teacher, successfully making no noise on the way, he took a marker out of his pocket.

Of course, if I just let him draw casually on the teacher it'll be boring so me being me tried to wake the teacher up. "HURRY UP JAKEY" I yelled, purposely avoiding Jake's piercing glare.

Seeing that the teacher didn't budge, nOT EVEN A LITTLE, I stood up and made my way over to where they were. You probably already predicted this but I stomped my way there, making sure the floor creaks were loud enough to hopefully wake the teacher up. Sadly this teacher sleeps like a goddamn brick and- oh wait I spoke too soon, he moved a bit but he just changed the position of his legs. Istg he's actually in hibernation.

"You IDIOT!! Are you trying to get us in another detention?" Jake whisper-yelled at me, "no I'm just bored. I would never do that to us Jakey~" I puppy-eyed him only to receive a tsk and a small slap on the arm, "If we get caught I'll make sure your penguin teddy never sees the light of day again" He threatened, on the outside, I found that lowkey kinda hot but on the inside, I was shitting myself because I know he would actually do what he said if we got caught and I love my penguin teddy :((

"Wanna skip detention? The teacher's way deep into his sleep anyways" I suggested, Jake had a little battle with himself before agreeing. As we were leaving the class I shut the door but it ended up slamming shut, causing a loud 'bang' noise that somehow woke up the dead fish- I mean sleeping teacher.

Seriously?! I could've just slammed the door in the first place if I knew it would wake this sloth up- I MEAN SLEEPING TEACHER

Anyway, when the teacher woke up, Jake and I bolted, "COME BACK!" the man shouted in an I-just-woke-up voice. Jake and I thought we were safe when we reached the locker bay but no, the man was chasing after us. Holy fuck, he may look like a grandpa but he can run like he's still 16.

This ended up turning into a game of hide and seek as Jake and I settled for that stupid tight Janitors closet again, although this time it wasn't as awkward nor uncomfortable.

Jake POV

Instead of both of us sticking ourselves to the wall for the other to have personal space, we ended up with sunghoon sitting on the floor and me in his lap. Just leaning my head on his chest, listening to his unusually fast heartbeat.

"Back here again huh?" Sunghoon started, reminiscing our first time stuck in this closet together, weaving his fingers through my hair. I hummed back as a reply but also because him playing with my hair was really relaxing.

"Y'know Jake, I didn't actually hate you at all. Even when I did all that horrible stuff to you, it wasn't because I hated you," he confessed, making me look up in confusion. Why did he do it then? As if he read my mind he added on, "It was more to forget the feelings I had for you. I know that's a stupid excuse to hurt someone, but I just for some reason couldn't accept my feelings towards you. But after...t-that day..." he stuttered, tears threatening to come out, hesitating to finish his sentence.

To hopefully help him out, using my fingers I started drawing shapes on his chest, or at least I think that's what he thought I was doing when in reality, I was writing the words I badly wanted to say at this moment... 'I love you'

Proving that my method was helping him calm down, he continued, "I couldn't stand seeing you in pain, I hated seeing tears leave your eyes because at that moment I finally accepted these feelings and the fact that... I love you Jake" he ended in a soft tone, looking down at me lovingly.

I widened my eyes in surprise. Taking my silence as a negative thing Sunghoon quickly responded, "b-but it's okay if you don't love me back, y'know I wouldn't either after every-" I cut him off as I smashed my lips onto his.

It took a few seconds for Sunghoon to realize I kissed him before kissing back. I smiled into the kiss as I moved my hands to his nape causing him to move his hands to my waist, pulling me closer, deepening the kiss. He then entered his tongue in, fighting with my own for dominance. Smirking when he won he let his tongue explore before both of us moved back needing oxygen.

"Does that answer you?" I asked still panting, "Yes but I also want to hear it in your own words" he smirked, running his fingers through my hair again. "Anything for you prince Sunghoon" I answered cheekily only to be tickled which might I add is my greatest weakness.

"OKAY FINE FINE I LOVE YOU!!" I screamed through giggles. I looked to Sunghoon when it suddenly became quiet to find him staring into space, mouth agape with bright pink cheeks... "He loves me..." I smirked as I realized the effect I had on him,

"Hey Sunghoon" I started, catching him out of his trance, "I love you" only for him to go back into his trance. I burst into another fit of giggles at his reaction. My phone then rang grabbing both of our attention, I answered it without checking who it was.

"Hello?" ... "Mum?"


i went to the beach with my family n cousins n friends right and we lost track of time so we were there for 9hrs and I ended up coming back with sunstroke, sunburns and I almost drowned twice- wtf am I doing with my life im-

don't be shocked guys I'm not mcfucking bangchan swimming god 🤡

i literally wouldn't survive in a kids pool

and the moral of the story is: don't put me anywhere near water 

anygaysbjhsdfvh have a nice day/night <33

also lemme just spoil that I'm actually working on 3 other books to release later iM-

*cOuGh* heejaywon, sunki and another jakehoon *coUGh*

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