Chapter 1.2

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Part 2

I have never been a morning person, and I don't intend on being one today.

I grown as my alarm goes off at 6am. Bailey barks as she licks my face with her stinking breath. I gently push her off of my face and switch the alarm off. Groaning, I kick my duvet covers off and sit on the edge of my bed with my legs dangling. A yawn escapes my mouth as I rub my tired eyes. I swing my legs back on my bed and pull the covers over my body.

"Just 5 more minutes." I whisper.

Bailey's annoying barks wake me up 5 seconds after I closed my eyes. This bitch. No pun intended.

I loudly grown as a tired moan escapes my body. "Bailey !" I tiredly shush. She continues to bark happily, her tale wagging back and forth. "Oh my Gaaaad." I harshly remove the blankets off of me. My phone pings with the calendar reminder that it's my dad's birthday. My eyes widen as the clock reads 08:50 am. What the fuck !

"Bailey! You idiot. Couldn't you have woken me up earlier?" I shriek rushing to the bathroom. I take a quick shower and put on my biker shorts with an oversized t-shirt and my Jordons 4's on. I throw my curls in a messy bun on top of my head and head downstairs.

"Bailey, your breakfast." I call out. Grabbing my bowl and pouring myself some cereal, I look at the time on my microwave. 09:27 am. I still need to go to the mall to get the items that I was given on the list. I am so fucked.

I quickly eat my cereal as Bailey munches on hers too. Heading back upstairs to get my phone, wallet and my keys, I pour Bailey her morning milk on my way out. "I'll be back in a few minutes." I say to her as I head out the door. Walking towards the elevator I huff, turning around, I head back to my apartment. I walk in and jog upstairs and fetch what I had forgotten. Heading back downstairs, I find Bailey looking at me quizzically. "I forgot my mask." I pet her. "Can't have mama coming back with Covid now can we." I kiss her and head out. Hopefully not forgetting anything this time.

Corona Virus is the most annoying thing nowadays. You just have to follow the rules in hopes of not attracting it.

I head down to the basement and head to my white Jeep Wrangler. The red leather seats instantly cooling my body as it is unusually hot today for an October morning. Turning the air-con and the music on I head to the mall.

It takes me 45 minutes to get the items. It would have taken much less if I didn't get distracted at TJ Max and start buying some items for my apartment for halloween. I need to stop doing that. Sometimes I even forget what I went to the mall for.

I step into my apartment with the halloween items filled bags and my dad's birthday gifts. I still need to wrap it. I quickly head up stairs and take out my outfit for the evening. My phone rings.



I pick up the phone. "Where are you ?"

"Well, hello to you too, mom."

"Molo, mntanam, [Hello, my child], We just really need those items on the list. I asked your dad not to leave the room until we have fully set up the table for the brunch we are going to have." I hear the pans and the buzz around her.

"Uhm, I'm wrapping up daddy's gifts." I say, heading down the stairs with my outfit and my makeup bag. "I will be there in 45 minutes." I put my outfit on the couch and head towards the closet next to the front door. "Mommy, Im bringing Bailey over, is that fine ?" I take out Bailey's outfit from her little section in the closet.

"As long as you can handle her. With Quincy also being here, I don't want them causing a scene." Her voice sounding muffled as she chews.

"Why is Lulu bringing her dog ?" I huff placing my phone on speaker and placing it on the dinning table. "Bailey and Quincy don't get along sometimes." I start wrapping my dad's gifts.

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