Late Night

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The street was empty as you peered out the window once more in hopes of seeing your husband, John Shelby. All you could spot were the silhouettes of drunken men as they stumbled about the black gravel road on which your home resided. Your mind was consumed with troubling thoughts as you continued to stare out into the darkness. John had yet to come home. Another late night you thought to yourself.

John was the kind of man who never wanted you to worry about his safety, let alone yours. You were familiar with his line of work which most certainly didn't help ease your anxieties especially when he had yet to walk in the door of your bedroom leaving you alone and vulnerable in such an unpredictable town like Birmingham.

The past few weeks John couldn't stop talking about the upcoming Epsom Derby leading you to believe it was one of The Shelby Brother's more dangerous and cautionary job details. You told yourself not to worry as he was more than likely to be on his way home. You couldn't wait any longer to see him.

You decided to slip on a short, silk, lavender nightgown making yourself comfortable to rest as you awaited John's arrival. You laid in your bed, wide awake. Only the thoughts of John's warm body lying next to yours kept you restless as the clock continued to tick.

Without notice, the headlights of John's Rolls Royce flashed your bedroom's windowpane. This immediately ripped your attention away from your inner monologue. You peered out the window to ensure it was indeed your husband and not a grimy local. John looked exhausted as he slammed the driver's side door shut. His shoulders were hunched over as he didn't have the energy to straighten himself out. John wasn't without his strut though as he walked to the front door. Before walking inside, he looked both ways as he normally did, making certain there weren't any causes of danger.

Still sitting in bed, you sat up straight. You had lit the candle that was at your bedside offering light and a bit of warmth to your bedroom. You could hear John's footsteps getting closer with every passing second. Finally, the door's golden doorknob began to turn. The door opened and John stepped in. To your relief, there hadn't seemed to be a single scratch on him.

"You're awake?" John asked with furrowed brows as he began to rub his tired eyes.

"If it's late and you're not home I won't fall asleep until I know you're safe." You said with a soft smile as you motioned him to join you in bed.

"Missed me, eh?" He smirked, taking off his jacket.

"Always!" You said softly.

John was taking his sweet time before getting into bed in an effort to tease you and it was certainly working. You wish you were gifted with more patience than you had obtained. Excitement got the better of you as you jumped out of your overly expensive, crimson sheets. In a hurry, you clung yourself to John embracing him tightly, your legs wrapped around his waist.  

"Oi oi!" John said surprised as he struggled to keep himself upright, "I missed you too!"

You released your legs that swaddled his torso allowing him to balance himself. You stood up straight and cupped John's warm cheek pulling him down for a quick kiss. 

"I'm assuming today went well then?" You asked as you began to subtly inspect his face, "There isn't a single scratch on you. At least none I can see."

"Today was a success but Arthur and I haven't seen Tommy since we left the Derby. I'm sure he'll turn up." John said, "I've got some bruising on me knuckles though. Battle wounds!" John began to play fight, gently punching your shoulders. You hardly even felt his touch, "You're losing!" He teased and laughed. 

"You're in for it John Boy!" You said as you tightly grabbed his shoulders, turning him around so that his back faced the bed.

You pushed John back first onto the bed. You two were both laughing uncontrollably as you crawled above John's restless body. 

"Look who's losing now!" You managed to say between laughs. 

"Not for long!" He said mischievously with a smirk that stretched from ear to ear. 

All at once, John managed to flip you on your back. As John hovered above you, you noticed his eyes glistening from the candlelight. His skin was so beautifully clear yet filled with patches of light brown freckles. Before you could analyze his perfect Shelby genes any further, John began to tickle on your belly, a spot you always forbade anyone to touch as the sensation drove you absolutely mad. You started to squirm under his muscular frame as he continued to titillate your stomach. You were laughing so hard you found it difficult to catch your breath. John had the biggest toothy smile plastered to his face every time you managed to open your eyes and catch a glimpse of the action.

"John stop!" You pleaded as you giggled, trying to pry his hands off you.

"By the order of the Peaky Blinders!" John said chuckling loudly before finally ceasing. 

"I've just about had it with you!" You said with a grin as you sat up straight.

"All right, sure." John said rolling his eyes in a sarcastic and nonchalant manner.

"Now that you've completely worn me out, I'm knackered!" You said as you began to yawn, "Ready for bed?"

John nodded in response, kissing your forehead. He took off his shirt and changed out of his work pants trading them in for something more suitable for nighttime. John went to wash off the blood from his knuckles after his work at the derby to ensure they were clean and that no infection would sprout from them. As he did this you blew out the candle that was at your side and got comfortable under the sheets as you waited for John to join you. Once he finally finished up John slipped into bed. His upper body was warm against your back as he snaked one of his arms around your waist. He rested his chin in the crevis between your head and shoulder. John's free hand found a strand of your hair and began to twirl it in between his fingers sending goosebumps along every bit of your skin. 

"I'm glad you came home in one piece today." You mumbled softly as you began to slowly drift off, "I worry about you."

"I'm not going anywhere." John whispered in your ear then kissed your head once more.

"Goodnight. I love you." You whispered back as you gently ran your fingers up and down the arm that John had enclosed around your waist.

"Love you too."  

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