the break up (part 14)

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*at the morning*

You didn't sleep a lot at the night not only because you did it but after that when he fell asleep you thought about if this was a mistake and you had to tell him the truth before and won't hurt that much. Then he woke up and you decide to tell him.

Johnny: good morning babygirl
You: good morning *and you smile at him*
Johnny: *come to kiss you*
You: *but you stop him*
Johnny: what's wrong?
You: look, I had to tell you before but I couldn't...
Johnny: tell me what?
You: first let me clear some things. I NEVER EVER used you. NEVER. But...
Johnny: you want to break up?
You: ... I mean I don't think we can do it ... I told you at the start that I wanted to make Steve jealous with you but you asked me...
Johnny: but you said yes...
You: I know... I know... I just want to date you from the first day I saw you, and now I had the chance so I said yes... I know, you maybe think that I played with you but no I... Just... Made a mistake I know I had to tell you from the start but...
Johnny: so you see me as a mistake?
You: no of course not the mistake was that I didn't tell you from the start and I didn't think about it
Johnny: so we are over?
You: I don't know Johnny I feel like I'm using you and I can't do it anymore
Johnny: so everything we been through, everything we said, everything we did its nothing to you? I give you my everything and that's how you take it? Now you break up with your boyfriend and just had fun and now break up? Okay y/n
You: wait John you don't understand I didn't mean it like that...
Johnny: and how did you mean it? I made anything for you I helped you with your problems and you... You don't care about me... About my feelings... Had you ever asked me what I felt for you? I loved you and I love you like I never did before. I was planning out future together and I wanted to make you my wife... And you... Just wanted to have fun
You: no John it's not like that I loved you, I love you and I'll love you forever... But I just don't feel right... Of course I want to be with you for the rest of my life...
Johnny: whatever...
You: I'm sorry... 😔
Johnny: I won't get mad I was expecting that anyways, maybe I'm your fav singer but I don't think I'm your fav type of man
You: no you are
Johnny: it's okay y/ least you like someone else... ?
You: no
Johnny: anyways I won't kick you out I'm not like your ex, you can stay for today anyways it's the last day...
You: no I think it's better to leave... It will be better for both of us...
Johnny: yeah but where will you go?
You: Steve left today so I'll go there
Johnny: oh okay...

You get dressed and packed your things

You: I'll miss you... A lot...
Johnny: ngl I'll miss you too...

Then you just looked at each other's eyes and you hugged really tight.

You: *you broke the hug* bye...
Johnny: bye...

You walk out from his room but you bump into his mom

Meredith: oh good morning sweetheart
You: good morning
Meredith: you are leaving?
You: yeah... I'll go back to my room
Meredith: and your ex?
You: he left today.
Meredith: why you want to leave, you can stay here
You: thank you Ms Orlando but I feel like I came here and didn't let you to spend your time with your family
Meredith: no girl you know you are welcome here
You: I know and thank you but I want to leave
Meredith: Okay girl I won't insist you, you can do what ever you won't I'm not your mom anyways, but one question. Did happened something with my kids and you want to leave?
You: no everything is fine with everyone
Meredith: and with John?
You: ... Eh.. Yeah with everyone
Meredith: okay then bye I hope you come to visit us in Canada
You: I'll try bye

And you left and went at your room but you felt lonely so you decide to go at Thomai's.

You: *knock the door*
Thomai: *opened the door* hey girl
You: hi... Can I come in?
Thomai: of course
You: *come in and sit at the bed* hey Mark
Mark: hey girl what happened?
You: I just felt lonely in my room and I wanted some company
Mark: your room? I thought there was a lot of people
Thomai: maybe she meant that she felt like had no friends there even if there was many people
You: no I'm not living with them I moved again next to you
Thomai: why is your last day I thought you wanted to have fun your last day with your boyfriend
You: I think I had enough fun time with him...
Thomai: what do you mean?
You: I did a mistake last night
Thomai: why? You didn't done it with him? You can today
You: no I did that's the problem...
You: No we used protection
Thomai: then?
You: I had to told him from the start
Thomai: tell him what?
You: we broke up
Thomai: oh my gosh I'm so sorry
You: no it's not your fault I had to tell him from the start that we would date only for this week but I didn't... Also I had to think about it first before say yes when he asked me
Thomai: he kicked you out?
You: no I left from my own because it will be better for both of us
Thomai: whatever you think it's right. I'll be here for you
You: thank you
Thomai: both of us will be, right Mark?
And you saw him sleeping
You: omg 😂
Thomai: MARK!
Mark: What happened?
Thomai: you heard something from the conversation?
Mark: I think after the 'I did a mistake last night' I miss it
Thomai: oh my gosh Mark you missed the most important thing
Mark: oh sorry what it was?
Thomai: they broke up
Mark: oh I'm sorry girl I'll be here if you need me
You: thanks Mark.

You went for breakfast and the Orlandos was already there when you sit Johnny saw you and looked at you and then you looked at him and you tried to hold your tears then he looked back to his family and he continued his breakfast but you couldn't take your eyes from him. For the rest of the day you thought about him and you thought about if you had better to stay with him and don't break up. You woke up the next morning and you went at the harbor and you saw him again. Lauren waved to you but he was just looking at you. You went at the boat and the only thing you thought and see was Johnny. But you sadly went back home. You didn't talk to anyone and run to your room. You didn't want to talk the only thing you want to do was to run to Johnny and hug him like there is no after, but you couldn't.

As you were tired you slept and the only thing you were dreaming was Johnny. But one of this dreams was a nightmare. 'It was you and Johnny, he hated you so much and he was hunting you to kill you for destroying his life' (I know it doesn't really make sense but) then you quickly woke up and you were... Next to Johnny... You sign of relax because everything was a dream... Then he woke up too

Johnny: what's wrong? What happened?
You: eh nothing just a nightmare
Johnny: don't worry baby it's just a dream I'm here for you
You: so we are still together?
Johnny: yeah why?
You: oh nothing
Johnny: you don't want to?
You: of course I want
Johnny: then why you asked?
You: nothing it was just a dream
Johnny: okay then sleep now
You: okay

And you slept in his arms but then you heard someone calling you ... It was... Thomai?! She came and wake you up

Thomai: wake up girl you are sleeping from yesterday when you came back
You: *you turn around and saw Thomai sitting in your bed and you and you quickly sit up* wait it.. It was a dream...?!
Thomai: what was a dream?
You: I thought I was still with Johnny
Thomai: Johnny? Who is Johnny?
You: Johnny Orlando
Thomai: girl of course it was a dream how you could sleep with your celebrity crush?
You: wait we didn't met him in Santorini and I dated him to make Steve jealous and after I caught him with the girl he was cheating with, and after we broke up?
Thomai: we didn't met no one in Santorini
You: what? No we met Johnny
Thomai: no we didn't
You: but
Thomai: it was just in your dreams we didn't met Johnny
You: and I'm still with Steve?
Thomai: no you broke up
You: hopefully

Then you heard your phone ringing but when you take it to see who it was you didn't see something and then you realized that...

You were dreaming and you woke up and your mom was calling you

You: hey mom
Mom: hey girl how was your holidays?
You: em nice
Mom: just nice nothing interesting happened?
You: eh not interesting but I broke up with Steve
Mom: really? Why?
You: he was cheating on me
Mom: oh no and I thought he was good boy
You: Yeah same
Mom: at least you met someone else there?
You: eh I my celebrity crush
Mom: that Carson?
You: no Johnny
Mom: and you talked to him?
You: yes we spend our vacation almost together
Mom: and you say it wasn't interesting?
You: okay it was kinda
Mom: anyways I have to go we will talk later, bye
You: bye

Hello again! I know I didn't post since last year so happy new year and from me! I made another one a bit bigger than the last one, and I think the story is about to end in 1 or 2 parts. I hope you liked this part! ❤

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