want me back? (part 15)

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*after some months*

It's been 4 months since you broke up with Johnny and you were thinking about him everyday but you didn't watched his posts in all his platforms, you just didn't wanted to see him and make you even more sad that you were already. But accidentally one day you liked his post on Instagram but when you realize it you scrolled quickly but you didn't saw what it was.

*Johnny's pov*

It's been long time since I talked with y/n, I really miss her, honestly, but I tried not to think about her because it's hard after all this but she told me from the start she would never used me but she just wanted me to make her ex jealous and after break up with him, but I asked her maybe I had to think before I asked her out. I was on my phone and I got a notification that she liked my post... She had to like my post for very long time ago and that was a bit weird... Wait she liked the post which was the announcement for my tour, ngl I hope she came I really want to see her again.

*back to you pov*
*after a week*

Thomai: *get in my room* hey girl
You: hey, how did you get in here?
Thomai: your mom opened the door for me
You: oh
Thomai: I have a surprise for youuuu!!!
You: what surprise?
Thomai: I'll tell you ONLY if you promise me that you will hang out with me after
You: I'm not in a mood so I'm not promise anything
Thomai: girl since we came back you don't go out a lot
You: I'm not in a mood
Thomai: ugh come on stop thinking about him for a bit and come with me and have fun
You: I don't want to, I don't feel like that, I don't want to have fun
Thomai: come on maybe you will meet someone else and you can focus on him and forget about Johnny
You: I don't want to forget Johnny
Thomai: okay then don't forget about him just come with me
You: ughh fineee
Thomai: finally
You: okay now tell me about you surprise
Thomai: guess what I got you
You: what?
Thomai: I said guess
You: ugh just tell me I told you I'm not good
Thomai: okay, okay fine I took you tickets for LA
Thomai: yes and Dylan of course
You: yeah and him
Thomai: and...
You: and...??
Thomai: and we will go at...
You: at...??
Thomai: you don't know?
You: know what?
Thomai: but you liked... Nothing just forget about it
You: no tell me
Thomai: no you will see when we will go there
You: it's in a month I can't wait
Thomai: I can't tell you now just wait
You: ugh fine

You both got ready and Mark came to pick you up to go at a bar.

*after some hours*

Thomai and Mark were dancing and having fun, and make out of course, but you just set there alone and just drinking. Till Thomai noticed how bad mood you have and she came to cheer you up. At least she tried...

Thomai: hey girl what's up?
You: nothing interesting, how about you, are you having fun?
Thomai: we didn't came here for me, we came here for you to make you smile and have some fun
You: yeah but I didn't told you to make me have fun, just all I want right now it's to go home *and you stand up*
Thomai: where are you going?
You: at the bathroom. I have to ask and for that? *and you left*

*Thomai's pov*

Mark: hey where is she?
Thomai: bathroom
Mark: oh okay. Btw I didn't ask before but, did you told her about the concert?
Thomai: no I didn't she says she doesn't know, I mean I thought she knew but when I was about to tell her but she didn't know so I decided to not tell her because if I did she probably wouldn't want to come
Mark: yeah but I think she will be mad if she learn when you go there
Thomai: same but I can't see her like this she is my best friend I have to do something
Mark: yeah but how she doesn't know she liked the post
Thomai: I know but I think she just scroll down and accidentally like it without seen it
Mark: idk

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