dinner (part 5)

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*some hours later*

You were waiting for Johnny outside the hotel. To be honest you felt a little bit bad for Steve, because you never argue like that and stay mad each other for so long, but also you don't really care cause he is cheating on you anyways, but ofc you are with Johnny. You still a bit shock because you don't just met your celebrity crush but also you become friends. Like what? You told Thomai for that, ofc, but she was start "crying" because she said she will never meet her celebrity crush. But ofc she was happy for you and she said she will monitor Steve if she leave while you are gone.

Johnny: hey girl, I hope I'm not late
You: no, I just came earlier
Johnny: are you nervous?
You: yeah a bit....
Johnny: why?
You: eh... You are my crush for so many years and now I will go out with you.... It's a bit awkward... I mean idk how to react... And I don't want to do something wrong..
Johnny: girl it's fine I'm your friend now you don't have to be nervous... Just be yourself and everything will be fine
You: okay
Johnny: let's go then
You: where will we go?
Johnny: somewhere to eat probably
You: yeah right
Johnny: so.... You know a good restaurant or something where we can go to eat?
You: honestly, no, but we can search something
Johnny: okay

You searched and you suggest him some restaurants where you could go.

You: oh, we also can go at this one. I've heard that it has very good food
Johnny: okay let's go here then
You: yeah but...
Johnny: what?
You: eh... It's kinda expensive and I can't afford this and save my money for the whole week
Johnny: don't worry about it, I'll pay for you
You: no I didn't mean to make you pay for me I'm just saying, we can go somewhere else which also have nice food
Johnny: I would pay for you anyways
You: you don't have to
Johnny: ik but I'll do it anyways
You: you do this everytime?
Johnny: wdym?
You: I mean when you hang out with a girl, you always pay for her?
Johnny: no, only at the girls I like
You: you like?
Johnny: yeah, I mean when I like them as a friend and we are really close
You: yeah but we met yesterday, we don't know each other, at least you don't know me
Johnny: and? I feel like I know you for ages
You: really?
Johnny: yeah
You: oh
Johnny: anyways, will we go in?
You: fine

You were there for hours and eating. You also talked about a lot, like, he told you about his life and everything and you said about your's, and ofc you was laughing all the time, he has his way to make other people laugh and spend the time so pleasant. After you ate you decide to go at the beach for a walk.

Johnny: so, can I ask you a random question?
You: ofc
Johnny: what is your favorite song of mine?
You: oh, I don't really know I love them all
Johnny: yeah but what do you like the most?
You: em... Last summer, waste my time, see you and missing you (I also love EWY and Adelaide but when I wrote that he hadn't published them yet 🙃)
Johnny: missing you?
You: yeah, why?
Johnny: so you are telling me you still hear this song and watch the video clip?
You: yeah, I really like that, and my sister likes it too and we sing it together (that's true😂)
Johnny: oh god, I feel so embarrassed now
You: why?
Johnny: I was 14
You: and?
Johnny: I was so young
You: it's only 3 years ago
Johnny: I look like 12 there
You: I still don't understand what's the problem
Johnny: I mean don't really like the video clip, I mean I "accidentally" left my phone open on her account and the whole time I was performing it was still open, and she accidentally came in and saw it, like it doesn't even make sense and I never leave my phone open. (I hope that make sense 😅)
You: that's it?
Johnny: I think
You: I think it's cute
Johnny: to left your phone open?
You: no, the whole thing, the scenario and you were really cute
Johnny: nah I wasn't
You: yes you ware and you still are
Johnny: I was so ugly then
You: nope
Johnny: yes
You: ugh I don't want to argue with you too
Johnny: you won't
You: nvm *and looked kinda sad and you sat down at the sand*
Johnny: are you okay? *and he sits next to you*
You: yeah but I fight with my bf and he doesn't even care if I'm okay or if I'm cheating because he is with his bitch and fucking right now. If he actually cares about me he would call me thousand times
Johnny: how you are so sure he is with her?
You: Thomai told me
Johnny: that's why you were a bit sad at the restaurant?
You: yeah she texted me and she told me she saw them outside from the hotel kissing
Johnny: and why you don't go at her hotel to catch them?
You: idk where she leaves
Johnny: oh, so when you come back he won't be there?
You: he will but if he won't he will say he was "searching" for me, and he will pretend like nothing happened and he will want to fuck with me too
Johnny: and why you not telling him you know everything?
You: cause I don't want now, I want to catch them together
Johnny: okay, you know
You: anyways, wanna go back cause it's late and I'm tired?
Johnny: of course

*outside from your hotel room*

Johnny: good night girl see you tomorrow
You: good night

You went inside and you saw Steve sitting on the bed angrily

Steve: where were you?
You: I was out with Johnny
Steve: it's late and you still was with him?
You: yeah it's a problem?
Steve: oh, yeah right, he take you to his room to have a bit fun
You: he doesn't even hug me
Steve: I'm not sure
You: ugh come on stop this you just saying stupid things and you know that
Steve: I can't just know you are out with someone else especially some other boy while we are argue, because if you are angry maybe you will do something with this boy and I don't want to lose you
You: I'm not a girl like that, maybe YOU did something with someone else
Steve: you don't trust me?
You: idk
Steve: what? What did he do to you?
You: wdym?
Steve: what did he do to make you don't trust me
You: he did nothing, I never trusted you anyways
Steve: wait, you never trusted me?
You: I don't sometimes
Steve: sometimes?
You: yes
Steve: you do now?
You: nope
Steve: why?
You: I just don't, anyways I want to sleep I'm really tired
Steve: I knew it you did it with him so you are tired now
You: no Steve, I'm tired of you

*John's pov*

I went at my hotel room and Lauren run to me, to tell her what happened

Lauren: sooo how did it go? Did you kissed her?
Johnny: of course not
Lauren: why?
Johnny: she has a boyfriend
Lauren: yeah but he is cheating on her anyways so she can do whatever she wants
Johnny: I don't care Lauren,I'm not gonna to something she doesn't want to. If she let me I will
Lauren: so do you want to kiss her?
Johnny: maybe I want
Lauren: do you like her?
Johnny: I think yes
Lauren: why you don't make your move she won't reject you she likes you for 5 years now
Johnny: yeah but how is this gonna work? We leave milles away from each other we can't see each other as much as we want
Lauren: if you really like her you will find a way to keep this relationship.
Johnny: I know but....
Lauren: if you like her there is no buts. Do you like her?
Johnny: I want to go and hug her and tell her how much I love her and after make her mine.
Lauren: you don't like her... You are in love with her
Johnny: idk if I'm but when I'm with her I feel so good and she always make smile... Ughh and when I look at her eyes... I'm lost *and he fall back at the bed*
Lauren: if you don't love her then what?
Johnny: you think I love her?
Lauren: as I can see, but maybe I'm your sister but I don't know your emotions to other people especially for her, the only thing I know for sure it's that you like her and I would like to have her as a friend
Johnny: so you are telling me to ask her out?
Lauren: if you don't you will regret it
Johnny: idk and what about her bf?
Lauren: you mean that cheater?
Johnny: yeah
Lauren: why you care about him, he isn't even that beautiful, you are wayyy better than him, and I don't say it because you are my brother but if I was her and I have to choose you or him I would choose you
Johnny: okay I will but not tomorrow
Lauren: John just do it as soon as possible because in less than a week everything it's over
Johnny: I know but I'm not ready yet
Lauren: yeah but you have to hurry or else you will lose her for ever and I don't know if you would see her ever again
Johnny: okay okay I will tell her the day after tomorrow probably
Lauren: I hope you will
Johnny: me too

I know I had a lot of days to post but sorry, so here a short part because I don't have a lot of time. I'll try to post more, maybe short but I'll post. Hope you like it tho!

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