~chapter 4~

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Chapter 4: Greta Kenne

(Amie's perspective)

It was the next day after mine and Richie's lunch it was really awkward between us but I knew where I stood I was at home now trying to drown the sound of my mother being a bitch
I was sitting on the porch wondering if I should go see richie or if he'd even want to see me after everything that happened.
I sat there for awhile before running inside to get my phone and call
"Pick up bill!"
I say talking into my phone
"H-h-hey Amie w-w-whats up?" Bill stuttered "oh nothing want to hang out today? I say feeling a bit bad because of Richie
"Y-yeah s-s-sure I'll me-et you at the gr-ass patch a-across f-f-fuh- from the arcade!" Bill said
I hung up the phone and started to head out

(Richie's perspective)

I wanted to see Amie so badly I wanted no I needed to hold her in my arms but what if she didn't want to see me I pondered on the thought fro a while and I came to the conclusion to just go to the arcade like normal and give her a day to her self
So I headed off to the arcade when I saw Bill waiting on the grass I walked over wondering what he was doing all by himself and then it clicked
"Bill Denbough wait for a girl!" I say walking up to him
"R-ic-hie!" He said startled "so Billy boy what lucky lady are you waiting for?" I say smirking "n-n-noone special." He said
I turnt my head to face the road and who do I see Amie! She was meeting bill! I could feel my blood boiling at the thought of her being with bill obviously our kiss meant nothing! I thought jumping to conclusions
I slowly started to walk away in regret

(Amie's perspective)

I was on my way to see bill but as I approached the grass I saw, RICHIE no shit no he is going to think I like bill or something no
"RICHIE!" I say picking up my paste
He slowly started to walk away shaking his head I felt a cold shiver crawl down my spine I ran towards him but by the time I made it to bill it was to late he started running down the road I felt my heart break I felt So bad all I've wanted for ages was Richie in my life more than friends I wanted to be his girl I couldn't doubt that for a second
"Bill we have to go after him!" I say with tears swelling
"W-w-what ha-p-pened b-b-between you t-wo?" Bill asked as all the memories of everything over the last few days came flooding back
"Enjoying the view there sweet cheeks?" "Your still gorgeous in the dark you know." Then we kissed! I cuddled into his chest feeling the warmth of his shirtless chest.
"Not the time bill now let's go!" Me and bill started running down the street

(Richie's perspective)

I  stop running I couldn't even think about what just happened so I did what I do best
Being stupid I made me way too the place where greta kenne  always hung out she was one of Amie's enemies, Amie hates greta more than anything and greta hates Amie so I came up with the most perfect but stupid plan but you see greta doesn't like us "losers" but she doesn't hate us like she does Amie once I had arrived at the alley behind her dad's pharmacy I saw greta taking in a big puff of a camel's cigarette "uh hey there Greta." I say with a nervous gulp "what do you need four eyes?" She says looking at me from the crate she was squatting on "uhm would you like to come to the quarry and watch the sunset with uhm me?" I asked knowing what I was doing was wrong but I was so hurt by Amie meeting up with bill it never crossed my mind that there just friend's "sure and maybe I can fix that little spit problem you have?" She says standing up to step on her cigarette she wanted to makeout with me the greta kenne wow maybe my luck has changed
We headed off to the quarry not seeing Amie or bill in sight

(Amie's perspective )

"W-w-e've looked e-eve-everywhere!" Bill said he was right about one thing we've looked but not everywhere
"Come on bill can we please just check the quarry?" I say pleading "fine!" Bill says rolling his eyes
I needed to tell Richie how I felt now more than ever!

(Richie's perspective)

Me and greta sat on the edge of the quarry's cliff as the sunset right before out eyes her hand slowly grabbed mine I turnt to face her wanting to leave and find Amie but I was stupid and kissed her as our lips collided all I could taste was tabbaco I didn't like it but I couldn't stop as the kiss got more intense my tounge slowly slid into her mouth with her tounge going into mine when we heard a familiar stutter from the bushes "w-w-what t-the f-fuck!" The voice stuttered walking out of the bushes as I pulled away I started to live my worst nightmare there we where to people making out when the girl of my dreams and my best friend walk out of the bushes watching me swap spit with oh no I just realized I KISSED GRETA KENNE all I wanted to do was apologize but I couldn't go down without a fight "r-ic-hie wh-at about our kiss." Amie's soft voice said standing there with tears in her eyes "look Amie your hot and all but you used me you kissed me then go meet up with bill to do god knows what!" I say knowing she has a hard time with opening up I was so angry but I loved her "Amie let me explain!" I say standing up as greta pulled me back
" No Rich don't even bother obviously our kiss was just a kiss our cuddles during the night where just another rack added to your list all the things that happened that night. Meant nothing if you could just go and kiss greta fucking kenne after everything that happened rich so just don't bother." Amie said with tears flowing down her cheeks she ran off into the night her words really hit home I didn't know what to do and I didn't want to hurt anyone anymore so that's what I stood buy
"Y--you really m-esse-d up Richie." Bill said shaking his head before chasing after Amie and that's the last I ever spoke to either of them
For three months
I hadn't talked to any of the losers. Greta says it will ruin our rep as best couple in the school yes I was dating greta I didn't like it but it's how it was.
Word count: 1205
A/n: I'm sorry if this offend anyone I did not mean that in anyway but I hope your enjoying "the boy with the big glasses"

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