~chapter 1~

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Chapter 1: the last day

Hi I'm Amelia Buck, and right now I'm sitting in a hot class room on the last day of school waiting for the bell to ring.
I enjoyed the summer holidays cause I got to spend it with my best friends.

My best friends where to start, uhm we have Bill Denbough the leader of our group two years ago his brother Georgie went missing and he found out who the killer was, a child eating clown apparently but that summer me and bill got closer I was invited to family only funeral for Georgie.
Uhm who else oh Eddie Kaspbrak he is the small-er one of the group but he is kind of like a mother to us children he is a huge germaphobe always protecting us from germs and infections. Then there's Stanley Uris but we call him Stan he is the quiet one doesn't talk much but when he does it's usually joking with the boys or laughing at them and last but not least is Richie Tozier the flirt of the group me and Richie have always been close but he likes to flirt with me all the time, and I don't like it...
sometimes. Richie's the comedian of our clain and his most famous jokes of all are the ones about Eddie's mother
Don't tell Eddie but they are really funny.

Back to the present

I was sitting at my desk bored as hell cause it was the last day and we where watching movies.
I was watching the clock waiting for it to read 2:15pm
"Okay class have a great summer" my teacher Miss brown quoted
As the bell rang a quickly rushed out of the class throwing my bag over my shoulder running to catch up with Eddie, Richie and Bill
"Hey Hot stuff" Richie said when he saw me
"Oh please Richie, can I just enjoy my summer without you flirting with me?" I ask being sarcastic
"Oh me flirting with you come on sweetheart I would never!" Richie says being dramatic
"Come on tozier" I say pushing his arm as we walk out if the shit hole of a school catching up with the boys

"Really you couldn't have waited for me!" Stan said catching up to us
"S-so-rr-y stan" bill stuttered

we stand over the trash can dumping anything and everything out of our bags into the bin
"Best feeling ever!" Stan says making the "b" stand out I waited for Richie to say something stupid and sure enough he did "Oh yeah, try tickling your pickle for the first time!" Richie says waiting for a praise the other boys just rolled there eyes at the comments and a slight smile creeped across my face thinking about the comment Richie made
"See Amie liked my funny! Joke!" Richie said as we all walked of
Amie was my nickname the only person that called me Amelia was Eddie he said it sounded more formal or something.
But a happy moment always comes to an end when Henry Bowers is around
As we where walking he stepped in front of me, "Hey Amie you coming to my place anytime soon?" He said with a disgusting smirk
"Shut up Bowers! Your the one that t invited me over to do "Homework"!" I quoted
"Yeah but that didn't stop you did it" he says grabbing his crouch
"Go away Bowers!" Richie shouts
"Oh what do we have here Richie Tozier the protector?" Henry says moving closer to richie
"Look bowers I hate to break it to you but I'm the only one that can flirt with y/n and she likes it." He said it was kinda true sometimes I felt like I was a queen when Richie called me names
Henry turnt around looking at all of us " you losers are trying to hard, she'll do you, you just have to ask nicely like I did" he looks me dead in the eye and I could feel the tears swelling In my eye ducks
As henry walked away to the trans am he grabbed my ass
A single tear ran down my face.
"Don't worry about bowers Amelia!" Eddie said putting his hand on my shoulder "yeah we know what sick things go through his mind!" Stan said before we all walked to the bike rack
Bill, Eddie and Stan started to walk away I just stood there thinking about what bowers said it wasn't true I never had sex with him just the thought of it made me sick to the stomach.
"No bike today?" A voice said snapping me back to reality I looked up to see richie he places his hand on my shoulder "Amie?" He said "it's all rumours I never slept with bowers." I said realizing his hand was on my shoulder "its okay Amie we didn't believe them anyway, here hop on you can stay at mine tonight." He says I always stay at Richie's when he sees I'm not in the mood to deal with my mom I hopped on Richie's bike and held on to his waist as we rode to his house.
I loved Richie's house there was just a warm inviting feeling about it his mom always had a candle lit making the house smell delightful.
"Holding on tight enough back there sweet cheeks?" Richie says smirking

just to be a tease I ran my fingers across his chest locking my fingers within one another meeting and the middle of his chest and holding on tighter.
As we reached Richie's house I could feel the warmth of his mother's energy getting closer did I mention I loved Richie's house!
We rode up Richie's driveway to see nobody was home we walked up the stairs leading to the porch Richie lifted up the doorbell hatch and pulled out a key to unlock the dark oak door that stood in front of us.

(Richie's perspective)

I could feel Amie's hands placed softly around my slim waist "holding on tight enough back there sweet cheeks?" I said being a flirt
But to my surprise she slowly wrapped her hands around my waist with her fingers locking within one another holding on tighter I don't think she saw but I started to blush.
As we rode up my driveway I noticed my mother was not home my father moved away years ago. We got off my bike and walked up the steps to the front door I wouldn't do this in front of anyone but I trusted Amie I lifted up the hatch on the doorbell and pulled out a key I put the key into the doorknob unlocking the wooden door to my house.

(Amie's perspective)

We walked into the warm house I could smell the scented candle Mrs Tozier had burning
"You coming?" Richie asked halfway up the chestnut brown staircase
"Oh yeah!" I ran up the stairs meeting Richie at the top we walked to his room and I flopped onto his neatly made bed with his silky pale blue bed sheets "okay Amie didn't think we'd jump straight into things but okay." Richie says rasing his eyebrows being a douch "oh yeah I'm totally going to give you a blow job!" I say sarcastically sitting up and walking over to him the tension was so thick you could cut I with a knife richie backed up to his door and pushed it closed before grabbing my waist and pushing me into the bed.
Then the worst thing happened! there they where standing in the doorway EDDIE, STANLEY AND BILL! I quickly pushed Richie onto the floor
"I-is i-it a b-b-bad t-t-time?" Bill stuttered my face turnt red of course nothing was going to happen with richie it was just heat of the moment kinda of thing "uh no i just had something in my eye and Richie was trying to find it!" I say nodding my head so Richie would go with it "Uh yeah she had a speck of dirt in her eye!" Richie said getting up form the floor.
"Yeah okay anyways are we going to the barrens or not!" Stan asked
Word count: 1378
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