USJ part 1 (Chapter 13)

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Note: Izuku won't be with class 1A to the trip to the USJ, The big three will also be attending the USJ training. 


Izuku had a meeting with the principal for unknown reason and he was currently walking to the principal office, he then knock on the door which he got a response he then opened the door slowly and entered the room while closing the door behind him. Izuku than said- Good Afternoon, principal Nezu I hope you had a good morning. Principal Nezu smiled and said- Good day to you Izuku, Thank you I am doing well actually now please sit here on the couch I have a few things to talk to you but don't worry it isn't something bad actually. Izuku then nod his head and sat down on the couch with the principal sitting opposite of him, Nezu proceeded to pour tea to the both of them and said- Please, Have a tea while we have this discussion. Izuku than says- Thank you Principal Nezu. Izuku and Nezu started sipping there tea in peace.

Nezu than asks- So... how is your little harem. Izuku was taken a back by this and said- How do you know. Nezu than smile and say- I am the principal there is nothing that can hide from me for my quest for world domination hahahahha. Izuku was creeped out than Nezu than said- Just messing with you I just want to say that we approve of your relationship as long as it doesn't interfere in your studies or your training. Izuku than says- I am aware sir, I am actually quite advanced in terms of knowledge since I am sure your aware of my childhood so since I was not part of the family activity I dedicated my life up until know in studying college level study, language like English, French, Spanish. Principal Nezu was very surprised and said- That is a surprise, I wasn't made aware of your skills may I have a small test to see your IQ. Izuku than say- I don't have a problem Principal Nezu. Nezu than opened a drawer and pulled 2 sheet of paper and said- This are difficult exams I am capable of completing both of them in 80 minutes. Izuku then took the paper and a pen and started completing the exam after 100 minutes Izuku was done with his exam and Nezu was surprised at how quick he did it since there is 20 minutes gap between there record but then again the grade is what matters. Nezu than took the two sheet of paper and put them in a machine which after 10 minutes it shows the result in the first paper Izuku scored 100% and in the second paper he scored 87% which are amazing score considering that his test was called hell test by the other teacher and they even got lower than Izuku. Nezu than says- You are indeed college student level and maybe even higher, your IQ is around 206 which is amazing because it's rare to see someone with that kind of IQ except me of course. Izuku than laugh and say- Thank you principal Nezu. Nezu than says- I have a proposition for you Izuku and you have the choice to take it or not. Izuku than says- and...what is that offer you speak of principal. Nezu than says- I want you to be my personal student it's not everyday you get to see someone with that IQ, most people who have high IQ is because of there quirks like me and it's rare to see someone with high IQ with just pure studying without quirk involvement. Izuku then says- Sure! I don't have any problem in becoming your personal student Principal. Nezu than says- Since you are going to be my student call me Nezu or Nezu-sensei whatever makes you comfortable. Izuku than says- Sure thing Nezu-Sensei! Nezu than says- I will be organizing your new time table so you can have classes with me and classes with 1A. Izuku than says- Thank you Nezu-Sensei.

Nezu then sips his tea and said- Now onto the reason why I brought you here, I've heard about your abilities from Aizawa a long time ago and it seems you have a good control over it compared to the others that's why as UA we want to help you unlock your full potential but we don't know how we will do it since you never demonstrated your power that much. Izuku than says- Since I trust you Nezu-sensei I will tell you the truth about my abilities. Nezu intrigued put down his coffee on the table and said- I am all ears. Izuku than says- The power I demonstrated is not a quirk it's an ancient power called Magic that was forgotten over the years, I wasn't born with this power more like it was given to me by someone else who was already old and can't use it anymore, unlike him I can use the power to it's fullest capability since this power belong to only higher rank Goddesses and since he was a human with the power of the grace he couldn't use it properly and if he went over the limit he will disintegrate as for me we came to a conclusion that I am half human half goddesses that why I am able to use the grace to it's full potential unlike my father. Nezu was very surprised and said- Wow, I never expected I'd hear that name again. Izuku was shocked and asked- Wait, Nezu-sensei you know about this. Nezu than laugh once more and said- Of course I know, what did I tell you earlier there is nothing that I don't know. Izuku was creeped out by Nezu laugh but composed himself and asked- So is there anything else you wanna know. Nezu than ask- I want to ask does the father name Escanor the lion sin of pride. I then nod my head Nezu than says- I know him very well he was a good guy despite his two personality switch that he go through, okay than I want you to know I have few things that belong to your race and I am sure you will like it including some techniques you might like to use. Izuku than says- Thank you Nezu-sensei. Nezu than says- No problem, I will call Aizawa to see how the class progressed you can go if you want. Izuku nod his head and sprout his wings and fly towards the USJ. 

After 10 minutes of flying Izuku landed on top of the glass of the USJ and what he saw made his blood boil in anger a group of villain are fighting the big three, the teachers and the students with the big three and Aizawa trying to defeat the bird thing, the student have already dealt with the low time villain but some of them were still fighting I then crashed the ceiling and flew down while using my grace to cover myself in light. Izuku words was- Foolish villains, attacking UA is a mistake you will pay dearly for so prepare yourself.

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