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"Are we seriously asking earthlings to come forward with any skills they have to make up our team so we can go on that mission we have in six months?"

Tony Stark rolled his eyes and he turned towards the blonde Asgardian, completely done with all his questions.

"For the last time Thor, yes. We need a great fighter who can help us and for Ross to actually let us do it." Stark replied as he walked to the couch where all the other avengers were sat.

"Tony, the people who are applying think a skill in gourmet cooking will help us." Steve replied looking over the candidates who applied. "How is that relevant?"

"I bet they'd make some awesome food though." Peter announced with a huge firm plastered across his face. A few team members let out a groan and others just mentally facepalmed.

"Not what we're looking for Parker." Natasha said. "I went through the list last night and found two great possibilities." The russian said and she took two pieces of paper from her gym and slapped them on the table. "Caleb Hundra and Y/N Y/L/N. Both have amazing skills in different areas and as harsh as it sounds, don't have anyone who could compromise the during battle."

"So they basically have no family, nor friends. No one?" Wanda questioned, the strings in her heart tightening in sadness. Natasha nodded and turned to Tony.

"We only need one of them." Steve replied placing the notes down. "We could run a programme which tests their loyalty, skills, emotional strength and determination."

Tony raised his eyebrows in acknowledgement and looked at Steve.

"You willing to take that on?"

"I'll help." Natasha said raising her hand slightly before smiling gently at Steve. "Well each take a candidate and train and test them. After a few months we will review the status of each of them and decide."

"I'm happy for that to happen! Get in touch with them, sooner better than later." Tony said grabbing the candidates information and walking to what the team assumed was his office.


"Shit!" Y/N shouted as walked out of the coffee shop, ripping off her apron. Not only did she just get fired, she got fired for throwing water on a creep who felt her up. "This is such bullshit." She muttered to herself quietly, pulling her hair out of the hair tie.

Putting one foot in front of the other slowly, Y/N made her way back to her apartment to sort herself out to look for another job.

Money was tight as it was. She could afford her rent but barely had enough left over to buy food and necessities. This job needed to be well paid.

Arriving back at her apartment, Y/N got dressed in different clothes and brushed her hair before removing the smudged mascara under her eyes!

"Time to find a new job, yet again!" Y/N groaned pulling out her laptop, which she had no idea how to use, and attempted to find work.

Y/N wasn't sure how she had ended up in the 21st century. The last happy memory she remembered was over 100 years ago.

She remembered being alive during World War two, she remembered the fashion, the food, the people and her family!

But one person she remembered was a man.

He had dirty blonde hair, glistening blue eyes and a strong and fit figure. He was also tall, tanned and sweet. But for some reason, a name wasn't coming to min.

They would dance, sing, make love and cook together almost everyday, but he was only a distant memory at best these days.


Y/N pulled herself out of her thoughts and looked at the advertisement glaring at her through the laptop screen, before reading through the information.

'We are looking for a skilled individual who would love to become apart of the team, The Avengers! Our next mission requires us to have another member in order for the mission to be deemed safe. Please attach you skills and contact information below and we will get back to as many as we can and to those who are suited.'

Y/N smiled lightly before typing in her information to email as quickly as she could.

'Name: Y/N Y/L/N
Age: 34
Skills: Trianed in MMA and combat fighting
Family: None
Contact information: (917) ***-****'

After reading through the information she has given and taking a few minutes to figure out how to send the damn thing, Y/N felt like she stood a good chance.


Two days later Y/N rose from her bed and dragged herself towards the kitchen to have some breakfast. Looking through her cupboards that had very little food, Y/N grabbed the box of cereal placing it on her kitchen counter.

Reaching to the shelf just below the kitchen counter she grabbed a bowl and poured the cereal into it. Before she went to get some milk, Y/N switched on her laptop and waited for everything to load up properly, whilst she grabbed some milk.

Opening the lid a strong odour hit her nostrils and alarmist made her gag before she looked at the milk, sniffing it once more before discovering it was spoiled.

"Great!" She said rolling her eyes throwing the lumpy liquid away. "Dry cereal it is."

Y/N sat at the kitchen island in front of her laptop and looked at her inbox, discovering she had a reply to her email.

'Hello Y/N,
My name is Natasha Romanoff and after reading through your email I have spoken with the team and we all agree you would be a brilliant candidate for our team. We would like to welcome you to the 'Avengers Initiative' building to begin your training tomorrow morning at 10:30am. The address is attached below!
Many thanks, Natasha Romanoff.'

Y/N jumped off of her seat and began dancing as she celebrated her new job. Once she stopped dancing she read the date of the emails

"Yesterday. That was sent yesterday- oh my god I got to get ready! It's 9:45am!" Y/N yells before rushing to her bedroom and getting ready before the leaving her apartment and making her way towards her destination!


First chapter! Not sure how I feel about it but hey ho... I do apologise for any mistakes or grammatical mistakes after a few chapters have been posted I will be going back through and editing all the mistakes. Well, probably not the grammar ones because this person right here, me, ABSOLUTELY sucks at grammar. I also post this story on tiktok, with little scenes that will be included in this story as well as things that might not have been, so don't miss out!

Follow my socials;
insta: melodylloyd23 , scared_potterrr
tiktok: melodylloyd01

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