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YN feels her chest tighten as she's sat silently in front of Natasha. Her mouth went dry and her words disappeared into nothingness. She felt as if she had a hand wrapped around her throat restricting her air ways and taking her words.

"What's going on YN?" Natasha pushes. She could tell YN was struggling to explain the whole story and didn't want to pry but she wanted to help the damsel in distress.

YN fights back tears threatening to spill down her rose coloured cheekbones but as she opens her mouth to speak, they fall effortlessly.

"Back during the war, I-" YN croaks out half of the sentence before sucking in a breath looking at Natasha. The red head shuffled closer to YN and took her hand between her own, showing she was there for her.

"Talk to me." Natasha whispered softly. YN let more tears fall and put her head down letting all of the pain and heartache she had bottled out. The cries and the tears hit Natasha hard as she could feel all the suffering and sorrow pouring out of YN in every way imaginable.

After half an hour of crying and calming down YN straightened herself up and sniffles before looking Natasha in the eye.

"Um..." YN fiddled with her thumbs. "I was.. obviously young." Natasha nodded respecting the fact it was hard for her to say.

"But.. I was pregnant and I lost my baby."

The silence among the two girls was so loud but so tranquil. Natasha couldn't believe it.. she had only just realised how serious YN and Steve were back in the past and how hard this must be for her.

"Was it Steve's?" Natasha questioned. She knew the answer and knew the questions was ridiculous but she didn't know what else to say.. she was shocked.

"Yeah.." YN nodded. "When I found out he went into the ice and I'd lost him.. the stress was too much and my body couldn't handle it all."

Everything YN said to Natasha pinched at her heart.

To lose the love of your life and a baby within months of each other must be the hardest thing she's ever heard someone go through, and she's heard some stuff.

"I'm sorry for unloading all this onto you, Nat."

"YN don't apologise. You're unbelievably strong for carrying something like that around all this time, to then meet your soulmate face to face again and him not even bat an eyelid at who you are." Natasha explained. "You're the strongest person I've met and I admire your strength."

YN smiles lightly and pulls Natasha in for hug before pulling away and sighing.

"I can't believe this is my life." YN said causing a small laugh from Natasha and herself. YN rubbed her hands together and looked out the window. "Part of me wishes I'd never woke up."

A silence from Natasha caused YN to look in her direction and all she could see was the red heads thinking face.

"What are you thinking?" YN questioned with furrowed eyebrows. Usually when Natasha thinks there's a plan that follows and ultimately and solution for pretty much everything.

The Russian may have a pretty face but don't let that fool you for the amount of brains stored within that woman's head. Especially when it comes to friends she considers family.

"We need to figure out why he doesn't remember you."

"Is that a good idea?"

"Trust me.. it's a great idea. For his sake and yours!"


Steve hums a tune wondering around looking for Sam. He met Sam a while back and clicked instantly.. sort of like he did with Bucky.

After a short time searching Steve finds Sam giving one of his pep talks to a shield worker who was very clearly not interested.

"Hey Sam!" Steve greeted as he walked over to him, leaning on the wall arms folded.

"Hey man!" Sam replied turning to the older figure, placing his paper folder on the desk in front of them. "How'd the first day of training go.. with the rookies?"

Steve shrugged before responding.

"It was good."

Sam furrowed one of his eyebrows in confusion.

"You we're super excited about this programme and now you've started it you seem so unenthusiastic about it." Sam explained.

"What do you mean?" Steve asked.

"Just good?" Sam pushed. Steve rolled his eyes gently.

"Okay, it was strange. I feel like I've met YN before.. our connection and chemistry is just.. it's like I've been training with her for years." Steve said looking at Sam who nodded as he listened the ex soldier.

"You do realise she was at Starks party the other night. You might have just spotted her from their." Sam explained and Steve nodded.

"That what she said. But it's different, I feel like I know this girl personally."

"And do you?" Sam questioned. Steve shook his head and looked down.


Steve couldn't help the twist and turns in his stomach as if butterflies were playing tag. The mere mention of YNs name just hits him a little bit different to everyone else. He was adamant he'd met her somewhere else before but not here. Not in building and not in this time frame.. it was almost as if it was another life he had lived. He just couldn't put his finger on it.

-Mel ✌🏻

Been a long time but here something for you all!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2022 ⏰

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