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I forgot to end this book 🤦🏼‍♀️

I am dumb

Go read my other books:

Forgotten Fling- seungbin/changlix (not a poly btw)

So yeah check those out if you want.

Thank you

Thank you for reading this book. Tbh this was meant for me to release my heart. It really means a lot.

I never thought this book would get a lot of reads but we hit 2k+ I am so happy. Thank you honestly your comments make my day

The plot was made up along the way but I like how it turned out.

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Any ways to improve or advice for this book?


Well guys I guess this is goodbye follow me on TikTok and Instagram @lvlyminchan if you want to stay in touch maybe we can be friends?

I hope this is just a goodbye for now not a goodbye for ever. Thank you and goodbye.

Peace out ✌️


Goodbye hyunsung/minchan Where stories live. Discover now