5. I was worth saving.

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Alex sat on her sofa, with a drink in her hand, listening to her brothers talk down in the basement

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Alex sat on her sofa, with a drink in her hand, listening to her brothers talk down in the basement.

She would've joined them but she didn't have the heart to see her brother in so much pain. So instead she decided to listen from afar.

Damon: Where is my ring?

Stefan: Won't be needing it anymore.

Damon: How long have I been here?

Stefan: Three days.

Damon: What are you doing?

Stefan: During the dark ages when a vampire's actions threatened to expose or bring harm upon the entire race, they would face judgment. They sought to reeducate them rather than to punish them.

Damon: You know what will happen if I don't...feed on blood.

Stefan: You'll grow weaker and weaker. Eventually you won't be able to move or speak. In a week your skin will desiccate, and you'll mummify. A living corpse. Unable to hurt anyone. Ever.

Damon: So what, you're just going to leave me in the basement, forever?

Stefan: I've injected you with enough vervain to keep you weak. Once your circulation stops, I'll move you to the family crypt, and then in 50 years, we can reevaluate.

Damon: I'm stronger than you think.

Stefan: You always have been. But you're not stronger than the vervain. And we both know it. I'm sorry. Didn't have to be this way.

Stefan made his way upstairs and saw his little sister sitting on the couch with a clear look of disapproval over what he was doing to Damon.

He understood why this was so hard for her. Long before they were vampires, Damon had been the one to take care of Alex.

Their father never really paid much attention to her since she was a girl, and their mother had died when Alex was only 6 years old. So the responsibly came down to him and Damon.

So he could understand what she was feeling. It's not like Stefan wanted to this to Damon but he knew there was no other way. Damon was too far gone and too dangerous to be let out.

He tried to break the ice by talking about something else.

Stefan: So I might be late today.

Alex: Don't worry Stefan I won't let the dangerous animal out of his cage.

Alex poured herself another drink.

Stefan: Alex you know why this had to be done.

Alex: No stef I actually don't know why this had to be done. I mean 100 and something years and never once have you ever thought of doing something like this. So why now?

Stefan: Al...

Alex: Let me guess, to keep Elena safe. God stef you are just as pathetic as you were in 1864. What do you think will happen when she finds out what you are? Huh? You think she will just move on and the both of you will live out a happy life? No seriously stefan tell me what you think is going to happen.

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