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The first thing I felt was a slight throbbing in my head; it made me want to squeeze my eyelids further closed and retreat back into sleep. I could hear muffled sounds, a clock ticking, someone moving. I twitched my hand slightly and only a moment later I felt someone rest their hand over mine.

"Zephy?" A voice said, quietly. My head was still swimming and I wasn't certain if I'd even heard it or it had been my imagination. But I forced my eyes to open. The bright light made it difficult and it stung my eyes. When they had settled I could see the stone vaulted ceiling and the tops of the curtains that were surrounding my bed. Someone leaned over me, blocking the light.

"Zephy." It was Fred Weasley. His face looked pale and he had deep lines in his forehead from worry.

"Hi," I croaked. His face broke into a smile and I could feel my face fall into one too. His hand brushed my face gently and I could feel warmth growing wherever he touched - the glow around his head made him angel like.

"How are you feeling?" He asked gently.

"I'm alright," I responded, my rasping voice making me cough. He let out a hollow laugh.

"You're alright?!" He wheezed, clearly shocked by my casual response. "Zephy, you almost gave me a heart attack yesterday!"

"Are you saying I'm not alright?" I joked. "That's a bit hypocritical, coming from the one who needs to get their head checked." He laughed again, his features flooded in relief - I guess it must have taken me being mean for him to see that I was indeed fine. 

We looked at each other for a moment before my eyes dropped his. I was trying to sit up more so I could look at myself which was difficult since one of my arms was in a sling. My other arm shot with pain as I struggled to pull myself into the position. I eyed the bandages and the the sling. I stared for a second, the memory of the attack swimming into my mind. I could scarcely believe it was real.  My heart skipped a beat as I remembered my brother's face.

"Okay then, what's the damage?" I asked him. He sighed deeply before answering.

"A few cuts, biggest one on your arm but you have a pretty much healed one on your cheek. Dislocated shoulder, head fracture and you had a broken nose but Madame Pomfrey has already fixed that... I think that's it."

I could piece together how most of those injuries had happened; the shoulder and head injury from hitting the wall, the cut from Pansy. The broken nose must have been someone kicking me once I'd already passed out. The thought of that made me sick.

"What time is it?"

"About 10am. It's the 27th of December, so you were out for all of Boxing Day." I breathed deeply. I had never missed an entire day like this before. Fred had a pained look on his face again as he slid into the chair beside the bed, he looked a little lost in his own head and I frowned trying to work out what he was thinking. It occurred to me then how strange it was the Fred was there in the first place. Why was he sitting vigilantly at my bedside? How long had he been there? 

"Why are you here?" I asked calmly. He scoffed at that as if he wanted to make a joke but as he looked me in the eyes his face became more serious. His hands were fidgeting absentmindedly in his lap.

"Oh I um..." he said. He trailed off then, almost as if he didn't know himself. "I just thought you might need to see someone when you woke up." A smirked played on my lips but I could see he was uncomfortable so I didn't question him further.

Madame Pomfrey came over and started asking me questions and making me drink various potions.

"I'm going to tell the others you're okay," Fred said, making to stand up. He stopped however when I spoke again.

Enemies - Fred Weasley X OCWhere stories live. Discover now