Chapter 31: Superfluous Tomb Passage

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We often called the thing I was holding in my hand cold fireworks, but that was actually wrong. This kind of thing was called a flame rod in the military, but we usually bought it from railway companies. In the railway business, this kind of thing was called a signal torch and it was often bought together with detonators. It would burn for about ten minutes. We called it a cold firework because many signal torches were actually cold torches that wouldn't explode or catch fire. This batch Fatty bought was probably old railway goods.

I noticed it had burned my hair, which meant it wasn't actually a cold firework. And if it wasn't cold, then it was probably an underwater flame rod. The instantaneous maximum temperature it reached was 2600 degrees, so it wasn't surprising that the murals had burned like this.

I figured the paint on these murals would volatilize when exposed to light, which could be related to the special minerals here. Painters often used red stones found in the local area to prepare their pigments. I didn't know whether it was done intentionally or unintentionally, but the murals here definitely used this special red color.

Although the dangerous advantage of using a flame rod was that it could be used as a weapon and a light, the entire mural was vaporizing right in front of me. I could clearly see the air distorting as the smell of the flame rod filled the air. At this time, I also noticed that there was the strange smell of blood. The two smells kept putting me in a trance and I had to keep slapping myself to stay awake. As I stood there in a daze, I felt as if my phone kept ringing with a new message alert, but when I looked down, I found that there was nothing there.

I thought of the several text messages in my hallucination, as well the room we had found Yang Daguang's mummified body in. I kept feeling like something was wrong. Was it possible that I had already been poisoned in those ruins?

It wasn't easy to think anymore, so I quickly took off my underwear and slathered it in mud before putting it over my mouth. Then, I buried flame rod in the mud and plunged my surroundings into darkness.

This kind of thing had its own oxidant, so it could continue to burn in both water and mud, but at least now the light couldn't be seen.

I held the ancient statue's head as I shakily climbed down. If I couldn't walk in the mud, then there had to be something strange inside these ancient statues. There was also a chance something was hiding under the mud, so I had no choice but to take some risks.

I pulled out a detonator and hid behind the ancient statue I was holding onto. I then counted the distance and threw it out.

After throwing it with all my strength, I shrank into the mud, curled up, and silently counted, one, two... the detonator exploded before I reached three. I almost fainted as the shockwave slammed me into the mud. The left side of my body bore the brunt of it and I immediately threw up as soon as I climbed out of the mud.

The flame rod had been blown out of the mud by the explosion and landed about three or four meters away. It was still burning, but I couldn't reach it at all. Under its light, I was able to see that another hole had been punched in the burial pit's ceiling and gravel was raining down. I held my head, noticing that a big pit was now in the place where I had thrown the detonator. The mud had been flung in the air and landed on the eyes in the murals.

Ha! Look at me again and I'll blow you up! I glanced at the large number of cracked murals on the ceiling, threw out three more detonators, and shrank into the mud again.

One, two, there went the next explosion. This time, the shockwave was much bigger and the earth shook. The hole from before hadn't been completely covered by the mud before the second, third, and fourth explosions went off one right after the other. The mud was boiling hot. When the third explosion went off, I was directly thrown out of the mud by the shockwave. I rolled end over end before smacking into the mud. Then came an overwhelming flood of silt. The underwear on my face was long gone.

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