Chapter 146: Oppressive Nature

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A Ning's brother laughed and took a hard drag of his cigarette, "Everyone knows some things. If you can't get through it, you can't get through it. I can't fall asleep at night because I keep seeing you every time I close my eyes. I'm tired of it. It's alright if you think I'm naïve. If everyone knew the truth of life after they read the Buddhist scriptures, do you think there will still be that many fools?" He narrowed his eyes. "Well, I've told you everything without holding back. You don't have to set me up. You asked your men to do so many things, so what exactly do you want me to do? It's better for us to cooperate now and enter the woods sooner so that I can get this over with quicker."

As he was speaking, the woman who looked very similar to A Ning came over to us. She gave us both a questioning look and asked, "Sasha, who is this man?"

"Informant," A Ning's brother said while touching the woman's hair. "Behave. Don't disturb my work."

The woman gave me a meaningful glance, took the cigarette out of his hand, and started smoking it as she walked away. "Is your nickname Sasha?" I asked him.

The woman had used a Russian pronunciation, so this guy's name was actually Cаша in Russian. I had always thought that A Ning was a bit like a foreigner, so did that mean their family was mixed? When my father was still working, he used to talk to the Soviets in Russian, so I knew a little. If that was the case, then A Ning's name in Russian was лена (Lena), which was short for елена (Elena). It meant "bright light".

But maybe that wasn't the case and it was just their code name. A Ning was the leader, so maybe she was the light leading the team.

"I'm only called Sasha here," he said. The woman turned around, glanced at him, and then made a "hurry up" gesture. He stood up, "If you don't tell me, I'll leave. Anyway, you know how to find me. When you want to talk, just let me know."

I sighed. Sure enough, he's still young. The best way to meet an enemy isn't to show your calmness and strength, but to show your own shortcomings.

Disadvantages would attract others to attack and make their direction of movement obvious. Losing on the surface was never really a loss. Most people wanted to save face, so I learned how to take advantage of that a long time ago. I raised my hand and looked at my cell phone. I had recorded the whole conversation just now and sent several instructions to Fatty to make preparations.

But this man's eyes were very good and he saw most of the movements around him just now. That meant he was always on guard.

He definitely must've had a bad childhood.

But now he must be intoxicated by the oppressive nature of his back view and feel that he scored some points in the conversation just now. As a result, he wasn't as vigilant as he should be.

I stepped forward and gave his ass a vicious kick when he wasn't looking.

He reacted quickly, but I was no layman either. When he tried to dodge my kick, he ended up staggering and almost falling down. I took a few steps back as he stared at me in amazement. He was apparently surprised at my lack of manners.

"If you want to kill me, come at me." I spit on the ground, "Both brother and sister want to trouble others with their own private interests." As I spoke, I raised the copper coin necklace I had pulled off in that split second I kicked him and then turned and ran.

Sasha immediately became furious and chased after me like crazy. I ran all the way to the second floor and rushed into the room where Uncle Two and Poker-Face had stayed before.

Fatty and Jia Kezi were waiting behind the door. Sasha chased me in, raised his hand, and said, "Give it back!"

Jia Kezi immediately closed the door while Fatty stepped forward and swung a pan directly at the back of Sasha's head. Unexpectedly, the kid didn't even look at it, but immediately dodged to the side and grabbed Fatty's hand from behind. He jumped up, stepped on the wall with both feet, and then twisted Fatty's arm back. Jia Kezi pounced on him at almost the exact same time. Sasha twisted Fatty's hand so hard that Fatty dropped the pan. Sasha smoothly caught it with his other hand and used it to knock Jia Kezi over.

He started to sneer, but before the corners of his mouth raised up, Fatty pushed something directly into his crotch with his other hand. The both of them jolted like they had been electrocuted and then bounced off of each other. At that time, I noticed that Fatty was holding a wire in his hand.

I quickly pulled the wires off, but the both of them had been stunned by the electric shock. I threw the copper coins in front of Sasha and thought to myself, A Ning, your family's education is really bad. I then picked up the pan, knocked Sasha out, and dragged him over to the chair, letting his head hang forward.

I lifted Fatty up and saw that he had wet himself after being shocked. He cursed, "You're so tall, so I didn't think you'd be able to do a somersault. I've ordered you two tea eggs." [1]

I took some flour out of my bag, added a special powder to it, and then began mixing it. 



[1] Fatty was saying he didn't expect Sasha to be able to do a somersault. Fatty gave him "two tea eggs" the moment he attacked his crotch with the wire since tea eggs are kinda brown. In other terms: Fatty fried Sasha's junk (Lol).

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