Which one

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He starts getting undressed then I stopped him

J: babe

He continued kissing me

J: babe wait
De: what's wrong
J: sum don't feel right
De: what do u think it is
J: feels like I'm missing sum
De: oh do u still wanna have sex or no
J: imma sit this one out jaune
De: alright baby

I go outside to get some air and see vallyk outside
V: hey jazz
J: hey
V: what u doing out here
J: nun just getting some air
V: oh u don't look like your feeling good
J: yeah I'm just a lil dizzy
V: oh come here let me feel your head........yeah your head is hot. You sure your good

As he was talking I fainted right in front of him


Vallyks POV
I kept yelling her name and shaking her and then called 911. The dejaune came outside and saw her on the ground and assumed that I did it

De: wtf did u do
V: I didn't do anything she just fainted
De: damn bro we gotta get her to the hospital

The Lisa and Dre come outside
An: what's going on
V: she just fainted in front of me

Then we hear sirens
They come and get her of the ground and Lisa is crying and u can see dejaune tearing up.
V: jaune it's gonna be alright

Jasmine's POV
I woke up and I was in a hospital bed and I had a huge migraine and I saw a doctor next to me
Doc: how are u feeling Mrs parks
J: I'm feeling alright just have a huge headache
Doc: ok I will go get your headache medicine and your friends
J: k

Vallyk's POV
We are all here waiting for her to wake up and then we see a doctor come we all get up hoping he will say some good news.
V: how is she doc
Doc: she's perfectly fine she just has a headache
De: oh thank u Jesus
Li: what a relief
Doc: u guys are free to go to her room

We start walking to her room

Jasmine's POV
I was enjoying my fruit punch and then i heard a knock on the door
J: come innn
It was all of my friends
J: hey guys
De: hey baby
An: how u feeling
J: alright not so well tho
V: we're just thankful your alive
J: yeah
Li: so how did all of this happen if u remember
J: umm I remember a lil bit
De: tell us
J: ok so Umm I walked outside to get some air and then I saw vallyk. We started talking and then he told me that I looked a lil sick. He felt my head and he said it was hot. And in the middle of him saying that things just went black.
An: dang bro
V: y'all can I talk to jasmine alone pls
Everyone: aight

Everybody leaves and it's just me and vallyk
J: wassup vallyk
V: um when u passed out u scared the hell out of me and I wanted to tell u that I still have feelings for u.

Then I realized when he said that he was the thing I was missing. (When I stopped dejaune from having sex with me and told him I was missing sum. It was vallyk that I was missing)
J: aww vallyk I'm srry but me and dejaune are still together
V: yeah I knew u would say that. But I'm very very srry for the things I have did to u and what has happened to u and I just love u but with dejaune in the way I can't get to u.
J: vallyk I'm srry I just can't dump Dejaune like that.
V: your right let me go get them

The doctor come in

Doc: hello Mrs. Parks u are free to go home now
J: Mk thanks

Vallyk helps me out of bed and I put on the clothes that they bought me. Then I get in the car with dejaune
De: babe I'm so glad your alive
J: yeah I'm so glad y'all called the ambulance
De: yeah
*Pecks me on the lips*

Then we arrive home
We get home but dejaune Doesn't get out the car and he says he's going to the store. I just went in the house and laid down and watched tv. After a while I fell asleep. I woke up around three o'clock and went down stairs to see dejaune, Andre, Justin, vallyk, Derek, mike,and Kobe all playing the game. And I seen Lanaiya, Lisa, and cherry outside by the pool so I go out there
I run and jump on both of them
L: hey baby girl
C: hey boo
J: what y'all doing here
C: we heard about what happened
L:yeah are u ok
J: yeah I'm fine I was just a lil sick
L: glad your ok
C: yeah we wouldn't know what to do without u
J: aww thx guys
Li: umm Jazz we also gotta tell u sum
J: wassup
Li: so umm earlier dejaune came back at like 2:00
J:didnt he just go to the store
Li: I'm that's what he told u but he came back smelling like another female and he had hickeys on his neck

I got up and walked to dejaune

De: hey baby
J: don't u fucking hey baby me
De: what's wrong with u
J: bitch are u cheating on me
De: no where did this come from
J: my sister said u came home snelling like a fucking girl

Then I seen the hickeys
De: idk what they talking bout I went to the store and came back
J: what about the hickeys huh
De: Dre hit me in the neck
J: u got all the excuses in the freaking world bro I'm done with u
De: what no
De: fine I will still be your friend no matter what
J: bye dejaune

He leaves. Then I go upstairs to my room. Then vallyk comes up.
V: hey jazz u ok
J: no I can't believe him
V: it's gonna be ok
J:ig so
V: maybe this will make u feel better

Do y'all know what happened?

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