Chapter 8

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~4 months later~
Ever since the incident with Edward and Alice the other Cullen's decided to look for help. The help they could get was The Voltouri. But the pack and council decided to wait until Davina and Paul's daughter was born. Because Davina was a witch she created a barrier between The Cullen's and The pack. If Edward and Alice wanted to cross they wouldn't without getting killed. Davina was in her kitchen. She was looking for snacks. Paul came home from patrol to see her in the kitchen table eating grapes. He smiled. Davina looked at him and smiled. Then she felt a flutter in her stomach. She then gasped. Paul was at her side in a few moments. "You okay?" Paul asked. "Yeah I'm fine I think she kicked" Davina said. Paul smiled and kneeled by her stomach. "Can you kick for daddy" Paul asked. He put his hand on Davina stomach and felt a kick. "Melody" Davina said. Paul looked up. "What" Paul said. "We should name her Melody" Davina said. Paul nodded.
~ a month later~
This month Davina would be giving birth. Davina was taken to the hospital where Carlisle worked. Bella, Emily and Kim were here in case she went into labour and they needed to call Paul. While at the hospital in the morning Davina water broke and she was 5 cm dialated before giving birth. Davina grunted when a contraction hit. "I know it does hurt but the outcome is amazing" Bella said. Davina nodded. Carlisle came in the room. "Alright Davina it looks like you are ready to start pushing" Carlisle said. "I'll call Paul" Emily said. Emily called Paul and the pack was on their way to the hospital. Once they made it Paul went to the delivery room. He stood next to Davina. "Ready" Paul said. "Yeah keys bring our baby girl into the world" Davina said.
~ an hour later~
The cried of a baby girl were heard. The nurse put the baby in Davina chest. "Hi there baby" Davina said said. Paul kneeled next to her. "Hi there Melody" Paul said. The nurse took Melody to get her cleaned up and moved Paul and Davin into the recovery room. "You did good. She's here now" Paul said. Davina smiled tiredly. The nurse came in with baby Melody. The pack wanted to let Davina and Paul get settled then they would come visit tomorrow. The nurse place Melody on Davina chest and let the couple after explaining how to breast feed. Davina smiled at he newborn daughter. "I'm tired" Davina said. "Here I'll take Melody and you get sleep" Paul said. Davina nodded. She handed Melody to Paul and fell asleep. Paul smiled at Davina and looked at the small newborn who was sleeping. Melody began to squirm and whine. Paul pulled her close and kept her warm with his body heat. Melody called down. She then opened her eyes and looked up to see someone. "Hi there Melody. I'm your Dada" Paul said. Paul then sat down on the chair next to Davina and held Melody tightly. Melody was a stunning image of her mother. She had Paul's eyes and looked exactly like Davina almost as if they were twins. Melody then grew tired and yawned. Paul smiled and held her close as she fell asleep. Today was truly a happy day. But would it last long?

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