Chapter 2

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Davina woke up the next morning and took a shower. After she showered she change her clothes.
Davina outfit

"Hey Vina do you want to go to the pack house" Bella asked

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"Hey Vina do you want to go to the pack house" Bella asked. Davina nodded. Davina finished brushing her hair and makeup and she and Bella left the house and went to the pack house. Once they got there they walked inside. "Hey guys" Bella said. The pack smiled at the swan girls. Jared came up to Bella and picked her up putting her on his shoulder and walked to the couch. Paul came up to Davina and smiled at her. "Can we go on a walk" Paul asked Davina. Davina nodded and they went for a walk. "So yesterday when we saw each other did you feel anything" Paul asked. "Yeah I felt a pull toward you" Davina said. "Well we wolves have this thing called imprinting. And it's like gravity suddenly it's not the earth holding you down. It's her or him. You would do anything for them. Be anything they need you to be. A friend, protector, lover, or brother" Paul said. "Wow that's a lot to take in" Davina said. "Yeah because I imprinted on you" Paul said. Davina looked at Paul and saw nothing but love in his eyes. She smiled. "Then I accept the imprint" Davina said. Paul eyes widened. "Really" Paul asked. Davina nodded. Paul hugged Davina. Then they pulled away and leaned in and kissed. They pulled away and smiled at each other. They walked back to the pack house hand in hand. Bella saw her sister walking hand in hand with Paul and smiled. Davina and Paul walked inside the house and sat on the couch with Davina in Paul's lap. They talked and laughed until both Swan girls had to leave to go home.
~The next day~
Davina woke up the next morning.
Davina outfits

She had a feeling something was gonna happen

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She had a feeling something was gonna happen. She ignored the feeling and went to her sister room to see Bella on the floor. "Oh my god" Davina said. Davina called for an ambulance. They came and tool Bella away. Davina followed behind them. Once she got to the hospital the doctors told her to wait outside. Davina called Jared and told him what happened. Jared was on his way to the hospital with the pack. Once Jared got inside with the pack they saw a worried Davina. "What happened" Jared asked her. "I don't know I woke up and she was on the floor." Davina said. They waited and waited until the doctor came. They stood up. "She is gonna be fine. But did you know she was carrying a child with her" The doctor asked. They school their heads no." well Ms. Swan and the baby are doing just fine you can see her" The doctor said. The pack followed him to Bella room. They walked in and Jared mad his way to Bella. Davina was still in shock. She had just found out her sister was pregnant. "Vina you okay" Emily asked. "My sister is pregnant" Davina said. Bella smiled. Davina looked at Bella with a smile. "Congratulations" Davina said and hugged Bella. "Wait Bell what happened" Sam asked. "Well I woke up and I was gonna go get Davina when someone got in my room and I was knocked out. It's not Victoria though" Bella said. "Who was it then" Embry asked. "It was Edward" Bella said. Davina eyed widened. "Their back" Davina whispered. Davina has only been back for 2 weeks and this happens. The pack looked at Davina who was pissed off. "Calm down" Paul whispered to Davina making her calm down. "D there is something I need to tell you" Bella said. Davina looked at her sister. "Remember when about the Cullen's" Bella said. Davina nodded. "Well when you were gone they abused me and hurt me" Bella said with tears. Davina was now pissed as hell. The door opened to reve someone they never wanted to see. Doctor Bloodsucker.

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