Chapter 10

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Davina woke up the next morning to see baby Melody awake. Her little eyes open and just looking around her. Davina smiled at how adorable her baby girl looked. With her hat, her onesies. She was so tiny. Paul was still asleep. Davina smiled. Davina carefully picked Melody up and held her putting Melody head on her chest. Paul woke up and saw Melody cuddled against her mother. He smiled. He got closer to Davina and Melody and put his hand on his daughter back. Melody cooed as of she was talking to her parents. "How are my pretty girls doing" Paul asked. Davina smiled at him and Melody just looked at him. Davina and Paul sat up. Davina handed Melody to Paul as she went to the restroom. Paul just looked at his baby girl. She was so tiny in his arms and hands. As if she was fragile. He then thought about something he never thought about. Hurting his girlfriend and his baby. He remembered a nightmare he had when Davina was pregnant with Melody. He remembered the nightmare well. Where he phased in front of Davina causing her to get hurt and in the process hurting Melody. He then panicked as he held Melody. He pressed his forehead to Melody's. "I promise you baby girl daddy is gonna do everything in his power to keep you safe and not hurt you. Daddy loves you very much as much as mommy does" Paul said his voice cracking in the process. He kissed Melody cheeks. Davina came back and saw Paul in tears as he held Melody. "Paul what's wrong" Davina asked as she sat down next to him. "I'm scared of hurting her and you. What if you stand to close and I phase and hurt you" Paul said. "Hey your not because your better than that. Just think of what makes you happy. Your not gonna hurt me or Melody. I promise" Davina said. Paul nodded and kissed Davina cheek then looking back at the little baby girl who was wide awake and making cute baby noises. Paul and Davina smiled. Melody looked at Paul and smiled and made baby noises. Paul smiled back. Davina knew Melody would grow up as a daddy's girl.
~ 4 months later~
Davina and Paul were at the pack house. Paul was holding Melody. "Alright we need to get the Voltouri to help us" Bella said. "We are gonna need to bring the babies to Volterra because the Voltouri is gonna wanna see if they are gonna have the gene" Rosalie said. Jared and Paul began to disagree. "I know you boys don't like this but what choice do we have" Bella said. "What if we asked the Voltouri to come here and see instead of going" Davina said. Everyone nodded and Carlisle called the Voltouri. "They'll be here in a few days." Carlisle said. "What do we do in the mean time" Sam asked. "Enjoy as much family time as we can." Esme said. Davina and Paul nodded as the rest of them did. Davina an Paul went home. Davina kissed Melody cheek. "I promise that we are gonna live in peace and work this out" Davina promised to Melody. Paul came from behind them and hugged both his girlfriend and daughter. The Voltouri was their only hope at believing and helping them.

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