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If I owned Teen Wolf Sterek would've happened and like 99.9% of the movie wouldntve happened, so take what you will from that. I make refrences from other shows, but for most of them I was either not born yet or not old enough to talk, so take what you wish from that too.

Happy Reading!


It took Tessa several long minutes to pull herself away from the dead body of someone who used to be one of her favorite people. Her brain was foggy, the emotions of what had unfolded in the last couple of hours hadn't quite set in yet. Either due to blood loss or shock.

The walk back to Tessa's home was long and mindless, one that had been walked many times. It had started raining about a mile in, but even that she had become numb to. Her sweatshirt had been removed and made into a makeshift bandage, but it had been soaked through awhile ago. But on the plus side that, like everything else has gone numb. Her phone had gone dead not long after she found her, and the street lights were few and far between.

By the time Tessa reaches her home, she soaked through to the bone. She was glad that no one had stopped her on her way, what with all the blood and all she probably would've been mistaken for a ghost. There is only one light on in the house, and given the assumed time it meant that her dad knew she wasn't home. Despite the state of her, Tessa can't help but hesitate before opening the door.

"Where were you?" Her dad asks, when she opens the door. The shadows of the darkened house making her appearance look nearly invisible among the darkness. Even he looked like something out of a movie, a dissapointed parent waiting for his child to get home after they had snuck out.

"Can you at least turn on another light before I start answering your questions?" Tessa deflects. "You look like something out of a horror show."

The older man gets up and turns on the light over the table before leaning back against a nearby wall. No doubt expecting her to step farther into the room and start speaking. But she stays in the doorway, blinking at him for a few minutes. A part of her wants to lie her ass off in hopes that he won't panic or get mad, but she knows that he would eventually learn the truth and then it would be an even worse situation.

Eventually though Tessa starts to explain. "...I didn't go with Stiles when he went to the woods. But after he left I went for a walk...I needed to clear my head. But I got lost in my thoughts...next thing I know I'm in the woods...and I'm running from this...thing..." She takes that moment to step into the light, the state of her finally being revealed. The change in his expression is immediate.

"What the hell Tess? Why didn't you say anything? do I need to take you to the doctor? How bad is it?" He panics, stepping closer to her, but not touching her, like he's scared.

"I wanted to explain first so I wouldn't have to later." Tessa pauses, trying to breathe through the pain that is finally setting it. "Plus we can't really afford to take me to the doctor unless I'm actively dying." She tries to joke, but it falls flat.

"C'mon lets get you cleaned up." Her dad her dad signals her to go up the stairs to the bathroom where all of their first aid stuff is located. Which with a cop, a slightly violent teenage girl, and a Stiles, it is a pretty decent collection. "Where are you hurt? And how bad?"

"The thing...it bit my shoulder." She grunts, her muscles protesting at the effort it takes to get up the stairs. "It isn't great. But I think as long as I'm careful I won't have to go to the ER." She probably really should, but she was right before. They can't afford any more hospital bills.

When the reach the bathroom, he turns to her. "Up you go" Her dad expects her to jump onto the counter, but after a few failed attempts he takes pity on her. His large hands fall to her waist, avoiding anywhere with an excess amount of blood, and lifts her easily onto the countertop. "Let's get that shoulder cleaned up, you can shower in the morning."

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