Chapter Five

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I run harder and faster than any human should be able to, so fast that I see the grass become a green blur. The wind blows through my hair and I keep moving, not stoping for anything. Everything inside me tells me to run away. My feet pound on the hard earth when a thought crosses my mind, What if because I didn't change my instincts and physical capability got better? That only makes me run faster.

     For some reason I look back again and I see them catching up. When I look forward again the cool black of the pack parking lot comes into view and I have a chance. Just as I'm about to reach freedom I am hit in my side and tackled.

     Was I tackled by a brick building? I prepare myself for the cold impact of the earth and the bone crushing pain but I'm put on top so my tackler took the impact of the fall, I'm flipped and put on the bottom and I stare the asshole straight in the eye.

     "Where do you think your going?" Jake smirks feeling dominate and in control. When I look down to see he's shirtless I stare right in his eyes and bite my lip.

     "Not in your pants," I say huskily.

     He just looks at me in shock and his eyes darken with lust, but that black turns to anger when his whole pack bursts out in laughter. He jumps up and his wolf snarls the order, "Stop laughing," through clenched teeth.

     Everyone falls silent, but now's my chance and I won't waste a second of it. My fingers grasp the cool metal in my pocket. Jake turns around and I threaten with an voice of ice, "Don't you dare take a step closer."

     He lets out a deep chuckle and throws his arms out, motioning to his surrounding pack. "Go ahead and try honey but you won't get a step in before you're back on the ground."

     I let out a cold hearted laugh, "Oh honey, it isn't for you. . ." Taking the blade I press it to my neck and draw a thin line of blood to show the prick it isn't a bluff. I smirk when I see him pale, "I am going to leave and if anyone comes near me or tries to stop me this knife will be in my corpse." At that threat I see everyone in the pack tense and I can't help but feel a little smug.

     Slowly I back up and I almost stay when Jake speaks up, "Gen don't do this we can talk!" I feel a surge of happiness that he is uncomfortable being out of control.

     "Sorry, but this girl is not a piece of property, mate or not," I snap with a edge of ice to my tone.

     I see every person behind Jake have begging eyes telling me to stop, but I shake my head. I whip around and when I see the forest I feel the need to escape that way. Sprinting into it,  branches scrap my arms and I get a few cuts and bruises, even trip once but I keep going. A tear manages to slip from my eye as I ran, I shake it off not allowing it to fall. Day turns to night and the moon follows me as I run.

     I reach a lake and I clean up my scraps. The cool water drowns the stinging pain out and I look around to see where I am. It's a lake not far from my apartment; I look and see several fish swimming and splashing. The surface of the water reflects the moon and appears like a sheet of ancient glass. I look up to see the moon glistening brilliantly just like how it was on the water’s surface and I wonder if their goddess, Ataegina, is really there and wanted me to be with Jake.

    I never prayed to her in my old pack not even in this last year, but now I know I never will because she matched me with such horrible controlling person like Jake. But I guess the forest lead me to the right place so I should be thankful; I stand up and start walking.

     When I reach my apartment, my hands are shaking as I fumble with the keys. All I want to do is get inside and try to sleep this nightmare of a day off. The keys fall from my fingers and I yell out in frustration. My heart races and I sit against the door to catch my breath. This whole 'mate' thing is stressing me out. All I need to do is eat a giant bowl of Ben and Jerry's and watch some reality TV. I grab the keys from the ground and try finding the right one again. I get to my feet and open the door.

     I close all the windows and lock all the possible exits as soon as I'm in my own apartment. My feet guide me into the bathroom and I turn on the sink. Water rushes down the drain and I look at myself in the mirror. My face is covered in sweat and dirt. I splash my face with the cold water and suddenly I feel a tear come into my eye.

    I feel like slapping myself. You don’t know him. He wants to control you. Your opinions don't matter to him. Just avoid him, call the cops even. Instinctively, I shut off the water and beeline it to my bed. My body collapses onto the soft mattress and I hug my pillow.

     Not since the day I left my parents have I wanted to cry so much. It’s an hour or two before I finally manage to get up off of my bed and peek out the double doors to my balcony. Outside there is the mixed commotion of cars running down the street and stirring of a few pedestrians. It must be a slow day for most while for me it’s been a painful blaze. A small brown bird lands on the balcony's railing and hopes along it till it’s by one of the violet plants I have hanging.

     The bird chirps and with the chirp comes the sound of the cars and the shouting of a toddler. There's the faint sound of the wind and even fainter is the sound of the blacktop being cooked by the sun. Finally I hear the sound I was blocking out, a dog calling out. My eyes grow wide as I try to look for the source. It calls out again, not despair but in a challenge, a challenge for me. What, Gen you're going crazy.

    This time its howl gets louder. I run out of my room and look through another window this one in the kitchen. Another howl; nothing there. My body gets hot and my mind bothered. Where is this coming from? I race over to the balcony doors in my living room and pull the open. The wind smacks me in the face and the smell of the forest hits me with it. Another howl.

     I lock eyes with the beautiful wolf that is standing down below, halfway in the forest, and halfway on the grass leading to the building. His eyes shine in the sunlight a sea green blue. His coat is thick, brown and shiny, and suddenly his eyes fill with anger. I hear the faint sound of a growl. Oh great, Jake. I don't care about this mutt, I can go and hit on a million guys and he would suffer and I wouldn't blink an eye.

I shoot him a glare and I shout the only thing I can think of to his challenge, "Let's see what ya got!"

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