Moving In

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Blaire placed the final picture frame on her table and done, she had officially moved into her new apartment. Her kitchen as girly as could be, her living room as awesome as could be, her walls lined with books, her writing room ready to be used for her next book and her bedroom just perfect.

She collapsed onto the couch, a fluffy pillow falling onto the white carpet. "Finally" she smiled, enjoying the quietness. Suddenly her phone rang and there went her relaxing silence, ruined to The Weekend.

She groaned and picked up her phone. "Hello?"

"Hey hey girlfriend" said Sasha, her best friend who lived out of town.

"Hey, what's up?" Blaire asked standing up and walking over to the kitchen to pour herself a glass of water.

"Nothing much, I just wanted to ask how the move in's going. Everything alright?" She asked, she was always the over worried friend but that's why Blaire loved her so much.

"Everything's fine, I was actually about to head over to this coffee shop I saw" Blaire replied.

"Oh, I'll meet you there and then we can go out for dinner to celebrate!"

"Yeah okay".

"I'll meet you there in like twenty minutes" she said and then hung up.
Blaire put on her boots and jacket, grabbed her purse and phone and left for the coffee shop. She walked since it was only a street down from her apartment building.

The bell on the door chimed as she opened the door and stepped into the coffee shop, the addicting smell of coffee beans filling her nose. The shop wasn't that busy, aside from the group of girls at the counter and a couple people at the tables. She stood in line behind the group of girls and waited for her turn to order.

"I'll take a caramel frap"
"Cotten candy frap"
"Vanilla bean frap"
"Cookie crumble frap" the girls ordered and then walked out of the shop with their drinks, leaving the room with silence.

Next was Blaire's turn. "I'll take a large plain black coffee" she ordered.

The teen boy working the orders looked like he had just seen a pig fly, all the workers looked shocked. "We don't give that it frap" he said.

No shit. "De-frap" she said.

He looked even more shocked. "Are you sure?" He asked.

She raised an eyebrow. "Positive".
He pulled out a large coffee cup and slowly poured coffee into it, he added the lid and hesitantly gave it to her. "Is there something wrong with it?" She asked.

"No, why do you ask?" He asked.

"Because you look like you just committed murder" she informed.

A worker laughed. "That'll be $4".

She payed and walked over to the table that had the milk and sugar. She poured two creams and two sugars into the coffee and then walked over to a table to wait for Sasha. She pulled out an Edgar Allan Poe book and began reading from where she left off.

"I become insane with long intervals of horrible sanity" quoted the man who was sitting at the table across from hers. He was tall and lean, dark curly hair and blue eyes.

"Clocks slay time. Time is dead as long as it is being clicked off by little wheels; only when the clock stops does time come to life" she quoted.

"William Faulkner?"

"Gotta love the classics" she replied.

"I agree, he's one of my favourites".

"Mine too, next to Dickens and-"

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