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Blaire awoke to her alarm clock blasting Beyonce.

I woke up like this. I woke up like this. With flawless.

She groaned and slammed her fist onto the snooze button. Why had she set her alarm to go off on a weekend? After mentally preparing herself for the long day ahead, she finally got out of the warm dome of blanket and into the cold world. After getting showered and dressed, she made her way to the kitchen for breakfast. Her neighbour was blasting rock music but she didn't mind, but the day country music begins playing through her walls will be the day she commits murder... or files a noise complaint.

Nutella and waffles with sliced bananas she decided. After eating her breakfast and watching an episode of The 100 on Netflix, she decided to head over to the coffee shop.

It was a gloomy day outside, the kind that makes you want to stay huddled up in a blanket and do nothing all day. She walked down the street and to the small coffee shop, the bell on top of the door rang and she stepped in.

"I'll take a medium black coffee" she ordered. "De- frapped" she added.

"That'll be-" the worker began.

"-paid for" said a familiar voice from behind her, putting money on the counter.

She turned around and saw Jason. "Hello to you too" she said. "And thanks for the coffee".

"Blaire right?" He asked.

"Yeah. James right?" She joked.

"Jason. Yesterday, I believe I that I said that I would show you around"

"You did" she agreed.

"But I'm sure that you've already seen everything, it is a small town"

"No." She said immediately, a small smile played at his lips.


"I haven't seen everything"

He laughed. "Come on" he said as he walked towards the door, she followed him out into the cold street. They walked down the sidewalk. "What brings you to Rosewood?" He asked.

"School and my best friend lives around here so..."


"Oh, so you remember her name"

He laughed. "How are you liking it here?"

She sighed. "To be honest, it's a bit creepy around here".

"Yeah, it's not a very happy place" he agreed.

"What about you? I'm guessing you've lived here for awhile"

"All my life" he said, not a hint of happiness in his voice.

"You say that like its a bad thing"

"How long are you planning on staying?" He asked, changing the subject.

"Tired of me already?"

"No, you're the only thing I like I about this town at the moment".

"Umm... That was incredibly sweet but I have no idea what to say back. So, I like you too" she said.

"That's good to know" he smiled.

They came across a cupcake shop and walked in. "What are we doing here?" She asked.

"What, don't girls like cupcakes?" He said.

"You should not have shown me this shop" she sighed. "I haven't even tried the cupcakes and I already know I'm hooked".

They sat in the shop eating their red velvet and Oreo cupcakes. The town news was playing on a small tv on the wall behind Jason. The TV showed a picture of a teen girl names Alison Dilaurentis and big red letters spelt MISSING. "That's sad" she said.

Jason turned around to see what she was looking at. "Yeah, it is" he said.

"Did you know her?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Small town. I thought everyone knew everyone".

"She was my sister" he informed.

Her eyes widened. Holy shit! "Jason, I'm so sorry. I didn't know"

"It's fine, don't worry about it" he said. "Its been awhile since... I'm fine".
She could tell that he didn't want to talk about it.

He walked her back to her apartment building. "Thanks" she said. "For showing me around".

"No problem". He took out his phone and held it out to her. "You should probably give me your number" he said casually. "You know, in case you have any questions about the town".

"How does that make sense? How am I supposed to ask you a question if I don't have your number?"

"Then I should probably give you my number too".

She smiled. "You probably should".

Okay so, why aren't there hundreds of Jason fanfics on wattpad?! He's like one of the best looking people on pretty little liars. Aside from Wren obviously, but still!

Vote, comment, follow and tell me what you want to see more of in this. More Jason and Blaire moments? More drama? Plot twists? More Ezra and Blaire? Maybe some of Wren?

Remember, this is a rated R fanfic so there WILL be mature content in the future chapters. Just a heads up.

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