Teachers and British Doctors

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Blaire lay on her bed, surrounded by fluffy white pillows and her teddy bear. "So I have his number now" she sighed into the phone.

"Did you call him?" Sasha asked from the other end.

"He told me to call him if I had any questions about the town but sadly I do not so therefore I can not call him".

"... You're an idiot, you know that right? Anyway, can you do me a favour?"

Blaire scoffed. "First you call me an idiot and then you expect me to do you a favour?"


She rolled her eyes. "What do you want?"

"Can you go pick Jessica up from school? I'm busy and she's too lazy to walk"

"Fine. Do I drop her off at your house or your parents?"

"Ew, I don't want her over here" replied Sasha.

"I have nothing better to do, my classes don't start until four".

"Thanks, I love you!"


Blaire drove to the high school and parked in the parking lot. There were still a couple minutes until the bell so she pulled her phone out, turned on the radio and started playing candy crush while listening to Maroon 5.
She noticed a group of boys hanging in the parking lot, probably ditching class. She rolled down her window and stuck her head outside. "DITCHING WON'T GET YOU ANYWHERE IN LIFE!" She screamed.

"SHUT UP LADY!" One of them screamed back.

"WHAT WAS THAT? I COULDN'T HEAR YOU THROUGH THAT DICK IN YOUR MOUTH!" She screamed and rolled her window back up. The bell soon rang and she waited in the car for Jessica to show but she never did. The parking lot was now mostly empty and there were only a couple of students waiting for their ride. Her phone began ringing.

"So there's a small problem" said Sasha. "My sisters sort of stuck in detention so she's gonna be awhile"

"But I have classes soon"

"You could go and bail her out"

"You're not really leaving me with a choice. What class is she in?"

"203 English" Sasha replied.

"Bye, you owe me" she said and stepped out of the car. She walked into the school and hunted for the class. After five minutes of searching, she finally found class 203 at the end of a hall on the top floor. She knocked on the door and waited.

The door soon opened, Ezra stood there with a surprised look on his face. "Uh, hey" he said.

"That's right, you teach here" she said.

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to bail Jessica out"

"Blaire?" Jessica asked from inside the class.

"Hey" she waved.

"I was hoping a family member could come instead" said Ezra, stepping out of the way and letting Blaire enter.

"Her sister sent me so..."

"I only have like a half hour more so it's fine" said Jessica.

"You're fine with walking home? I have classes soon so-"

"-No. Can I please leave Mr. Fitz?"

"Yeah, can she please leave? Don't be one of those teachers that kids hate and dread your class"

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