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I was sat at the gryffindor table in the great hall studying away as I preperd for my up coming N.E.W.T.S when I felt the presence of some one sitting down beside me. "weasley" I spoke not looking away from my book. "Oooh whats with the second name?" he questiond nudging me in the side. "Can I help you with something?" I say finally looking at him and ignoring his previous question.

"Nope" he simply replies. I didn't even respond and just turned around to face my book again. I sat working for a while longer when the sound of tapping began to fill My ears. "Can you stop that!" I say slamming my book shut turning to face George. "stop what?" he asks sarcastically as he continues to tap his fingers on the table. "that, tapping the table while I'm trying work." I say shaking my head. "oh come on you work to hard. All this studying for exams that are literally pointless" he says. "well unlike you and your brother I need my exams if I want to get somewhere in the future" I say grabbing my books and standing up to walk out the hall.

As I got to exit of the great hall I bumped into Fred. "ah and where are you off to y/n?" he asks. "Anywhere away from your goddamn annoying brother." I say rolling my eyes. "why?" he chuckles slightly but before I could respond George came running up to were we were stood talking and snatched my book from my hand running out the hall. "uhggg I'm going to kill him" I grone "remind me why I'm dating him again" I ask Fred sarcastically whilst pinching the bridge of my nose. Fred was just laughing.

I then exit the hall following the direction he went in. As I continued following him to try and catch up we ended up by the black lake. "George fabien weasley, so help me god if you don't give me my book back I'm going to..." but I was cut off by him. "what.. what you going do?" he asks smirking. "mmhhh, I don't know maby owl your mum, tell her about you and your brothers plans" I reply watching the smirk drop from his face. "you wouldn't.." he challenges me. "Oh yeah?, try me weasley" I respond.

He steps forward looking down on me my book still in his hand.
"like I said you wouldn't dare" he spoke as his warm breath brushed my nose. His eyes glanced from mine, to my lips and then back to my eyes again. "just give me the book back" I say holding my hand out for it. "and what do I get if I do?" he asked. "I won't owl your mum" I respond. "nah, I want something else" he chuckles. "oh yeah like what?" I raise my eyebrows. "This" he steps forward cupping my face with his free hand. He lent down his lips catching mine. I took this opportunity to grab the book from his hand quickly pulling away. "what was that for?" he asks confused. I step back again holding the book up. "I got what a wanted" I smirk continuing to walk backwards.

I turn around to head back to the castle when suddenly a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist picking me up from the ground. "Your not getting away that easy" he whispers in my ear sending a small shiver down my spine. "Come on your going to take a break away from studying and just relax" he speaks his voice in a soft tone as he places me back on the ground. "George I really need to study.." I say turning to face him. "look one afternoon to relax with me. You need to give yourself a break. Your working way to hard." "George.." I cut him off. "y/n your the smartest person in our year, even without studying you'll do amazing and know matter what happens I'll always be proud of you" he says kissing my forehead.

I nod my head knowing he was probably right. "so one afternoon and then I promise you can get back to your studying" he says whilst pulling me into a hug. I nod my head into his chest taking a deep breath. "Now come on let's go" he grabs my hand squeezing it tightly.

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