Imagine 8 Part 2

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Georges POV

The next morning, I knew I had to fix things. I got up, got dressed and when to wait for her in the common room. I sat waiting when Fred came down the stairs, "Have you spoke to her?" he asked

"No she hasn't come down"

"Hey Katie is y/n up stairs" Fred called to her as she entered the common room.

"err.. No she was already gone when we all woke up" she said

I sighed and stood up exiting the common room as Fred followed. We entered the great hall, my eyes scanning for the room for her. I then I spotted her sat with cedric at the hufflpuff table. She looked so unhappy and I knew that that was my fault.

"Go on, go talk to her" Fred nudged my arm.

I took a deep breath and approached the table. "Hey, y/n can we talk?" I asked pulling her out of her conversation with cedric. She looked at me for a second and then looked back to cedric. "Are you ready to go?" she asked him. He nodded and the pair stood up. Cedric wrapped his arm around her shoulder and they exited the great hall.

"You have really fucked up" Fred said as he headed to the gryffindor table.

Later that day....

It was a Sunday so there were no classes but trying to find y/n was harder than it would be of there was. I shearched the whole castle with the help of Fred but I couldn't find her anywhere. That was until we spotted her walking back across the court yard on her own.


She looked at me and fred and then continued walking.

"y/n... please I need to talk to you" I called running after her and grabbing her arm gently.

"What George? You made it pretty clear last night you didn't want to be friends anymore. Or were you ever really my friend, you did say you couldn't pretend anymore. So we're you just pretending all this time.?" she said pulling her self from my grip.

"What no.. I was never pretending to be your friend, I was your friend. You were my best friend" I spoke

"clearly not" she muttered.

"please... Just let me explain, just come with me and let me explain." I pleaded with her.

She gave me a small nod "fine" she sighed giving in so I carefully took her hand and began walking towards the astronomy tower. I was so nervous the whole way there that my hands began to sweat, I just hoped she hadn't noticed.

When we arrived she leaned against the railings. I was scared to tell her how I really felt so I stood in silence for a while. "if your not going to talk then im going George" she said looking at me.

"look this is hard for me to say, when I said I couldn't be your friend anymore that's not what I wanted to say. I was going to say something else but I completely freaked out." I said taking a deep breath. I stepped forward and carefully grabbed her hand.

"because what I'm about to say, is what I couldn't say last night."

She nodded for me to continue.

"last night...last night I was going to tell you that I like you. That I have feelings for you"

Her head shot up at my words. Her eyes were wide slightly and her lips were parted.

"I think about you all the time. I know your my best friend but I don't just want you to be my best friend... I want you to be mine."


"I don't want to lose you y/n but I can't help the way I'm feeling" I said

"George" she repeated but I ignored her.

"I... I cant stand to see other boys holding you, it makes my blood boil"

"GEORGE!" she shouted stopping me from mumbling on anymore.

She looked at me but I couldn't read her expression. I waited for her to speak. For her to say something but she didn't. Instead she did walked forward and wrapped her arms around me pulling me into a hug.

I hugged her back tightly. A very small sob escaped her lips. "Are you crying?" I asked. She nodded into my chest. "I just thought you hated me"

"I could never" I mumbled into her hair. We stayed in each others embrace for a while. I was so happy she didn't hate me, that she now new the truth. "For the record, I think about you all the time too." she said so casually causing me to pull back from the hug.

"you do?" I asked with a small smile.

"Just ask hermione" she nodded.

"I'm so sorry for upsetting you last night, I never ment to" I said whilst brushing some hair from her face.

"It's okay" she spoke softly

I gently pulled her forward and placed a small kiss on her forehead. We talked a little more before leaving the tower as I laced my hand with hers. We headed back to the court yard were Fred was sat.

"so I take it everything is sorted" he said gesturing to our intertwined hands. We both nodded. "I'm sorry for getting mad at you last night" y/n said to Fred. "Don't be, it wasn't your fault" he smirking as he looked between us. She let out a small laugh and shook her head. "come on let's go and get something to eat" Fred said throwing his arm over her shoulder.

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