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"Hey jinni how's your interview goes" namjoon hyung asked when he steped in house and looked at me in the couch

Should I tell him what happened in interview room but then hyung will never allowed me to do job and go outside alone but can i-

"Jinni what's happened you are not replying me" he shook my shoulder to get me out of my trance of thoughts

"Uhmm.. i can't get this job all other candidates are much better than me" I replied with small smile.i don't want hyung to tens and stress over this incident

"It's okay jinni you can get someday more best job then this now don't we sad" hyung said and hugged me tightly I hugged him back. He is my only family and I don't want to trouble for him

We stay like that for a second and then hyung pulled away and stand up from couch "come let's eat dinner and sleep it's late already"

We ate dinner happily and then we part away towards our room. I flip down on my bed and curled up in ball. I closed my eyes to sleep but my mind started to play all the interview memories.why always it's us?Just why?

Tears continusouly rolling down from my cheeks I felt exhausted and cried harder till I drift off in sleep


"No Kai hyung didn't allowed me I can't go at club in night alone with you" I replied but I want go club with my friends and enjoy, but I know hyung will never allowed me to go he will definitely refused it

"Come on jinni why don't you just sneak out of your window your brother will never find out about this" he suggested and I just rolled my eyes on him. Kai is my friend almost 5 years we are school buddies and today is his birthday and we are sitting here in the cafe argue about going to club for party

"It's your best friend birthday jin only this time you can do this for me" now I can't refuse his emotional blackmail I think for a second before replying him

"Okay, but this time only okay" I replied with a heavy sigh and he chuckled

"Thank you so much jinni I will pick you up at 9 O'Clock be ready now let's go shopping for tonight outfit I will pay" he said excitedly jumping from his seat and pulling out me of the cafe


"Hey jungkook , jimin here" I looked at the direction of the voice and saw two familiar figures walking towards us

We are here sitting in one of the expensive club and drinking hell out of us "Hy soobin and yeonjun" jimin replied and they sat across us I just rolled my eyes on jimin to let them sit there

"Attitude huh, jungkook but I heard someone mere middle classed boy rejected you in your handsome face" they said and started laughing at me

I felt anger risen up in my nerves I slammed my fist on the table and punched them on the face they fall on the ground and I started to punch on soobin continusouly

"Jungkook stop" jimin shouted and dragged me out from him I yank his hand and walked at the counter but suddenly someone familiar figure caught my attention and more anger started to risen up in my nerves

"Jungkook let's go home it's already 11" jimin said looking at his watch

"You will go jimin I will go later" I said and grabbed drink from the counter and started drinking

He shugred his shoulder and rolled his eyes on me "okay but don't be so late, bye I will meet you tomorrow" then jimin left after saying

I sit one of the chair and looked at the person in front of me dancing happily with other guys wearing pink shirt and black jeans looking sexy as fuck as hell with his blonde hairs.

He is laughing there happily and I become a joke because of him

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He is laughing there happily and I become a joke because of him. You will pay for this Kim seokjin I will not let you go.


"Kai I want go now it's getting late what would happen if hyung find out about I being outside of my room at this time" I said to Kai who is busy on grinding on some guy

"Jinni if you want to go then you can go alone I will not going with you now" he said and I rolled my eyes at him before stormed out from the club

Its already midnight and I am here in this expensive club with my friends because Kai is Rich as fuck and like what we planned in cafe about sneak out of the window how I get here. But there is now no need to stay here because I there just standing while all are giving me weird glances.

And i don't get a taxi at this time so I just started walking towards my home alone in the dark night. At this time no people are here the roads are very silent and lonely

I walking alone in road from miutes but now I am at the darker place of my way at home and I am feeling like someone is stalking me I started to walking fast but someone grabbed me by my arm and I started to fear up and slowly truned to look who is that my eyes widened in horror when I saw the man grabbing my arm. He is wearing a black T-shirt black jeans and red blazer looking hot and handsome with his messy black hair.

 He is wearing a black T-shirt black jeans and red blazer looking hot and handsome with his messy black hair

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