🌼 Thirteen 🌼

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After having long bath in bathroom because of jungkook I had back to the kitchen to prepare for dinner.

"What are you cooking for dinner don't disappoint me okay baby" he threatened but in soft voice.

"O-okay" I whispered

When I was done with dinner I set the table jungkook was nowhere seen i think he was in his office doing his work.

I went to my room to change in something more nice and saw jungkook in the balcony shirtless smoking there but the door bell rang and he turned to go when he saw me in the room.

"Get ready I will go open the door" he said after putting his shirt he get out to open the door and greet them I changed my clothes and made my way in the dining room..

When namjoon hyung see me coming to them he immediately run to me and engulfed me In his arms as he hugged me tightly.

"How are you jinni" he asked me as he broke the hug and let me breath I smiled at him I missed him so much.

"I am okay hyung and hows you I have missed you so much hyung"  he chuckled and pinched my cheeks I giggled.

"I missed you too my little brother" he said I looked at others and make my way towards them.

Mrs jeon hugged me and Mr jeon patted my shoulder I bowed at Mr. Yoongi and hugged jimin, hoseok and taehyung hyung. We all sat down around the dining table and the maid come served the food.

"So how was going with jungkook, Jin" Mr. Yoongi Is the first one to speak up I look towards jungkook and he give the look 'dont you dare'.

"He was very nice husband to me Mr. Yoongi he tools so much care of me" I want to throw up after saying lie but composed my self.

"I am happy to hear that jungkook was treating you nicely but if he did anything wrong to you please call me and let me know"  he smiled at me I smiled back and nodded my head.

"how was your baby doing Jin I am really excited to meet my nephew" jimin asked me excitedly from nowhere.

I tensed up and slowly to turn to look at jungkook he has confused expression on his face as he trying to figure out what jimin said.

"Yes tell me jin jungkook taking you hospital on time for your check up or not you are now there months pregnant you have to care of yourself" Mrs.jeon says

"Jungkook you are taking care of him or not" jungkook looked at me before looking at his mother.

"Yes mother I am taking care of him tell them baby" he said in so soft voice that I melt.

"Yes he was really taking care of me and baby so much he didn't let me do anything and said I must rest all the time" I said laughing awkwardly taehyung hyung looked at me suspiciously like he sensed my fakeness.
I smiled at him and he smiled back I sighed.

"You are going to be daddy jeon you are now old" they all laughed but I can sense tension in the air.

I looked in jungkook eyes I don't it was true but what I saw on his eyes guilt, regret , sadness, anger and pain as he was hurt so much

We talk and eat they praised me for making food so tasty and asked me about if I need anything or help for baby. They loved me so much and was concerned about me I feel so loved after long time.

They all bid their goodbye after hanging out a little bit and left one by one after giving so much love, hugs, kisses and pinching my cheeks. Jungkook was quite all the time after the Revelation of my pregnancy now I am scared so much and no one is here to protect me and my baby from him.

"Seokjin when you were going to tell me about your pregnancy"

Thank you for reading 😍
And sorry for late update I will try to update fast.
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