Today's the Day... Crystal

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Crystal watches in horror and awe as the stone lifts up into the air…with Page on it! Immediately Crystal takes off, shoving through the crowd that erupts into screams and talk of terror.

“Crystal, wait!” Mahoney shouts. Crystal doesn’t stop, she can feel Mahoney on her heels and that’s good enough.

 “Page!” Crystal shouts up as Page screams.

Demetri is next to Crystal, “Page stop screaming, calm down!”

The rock vibrates and slowly lowers. From out of nowhere Mahoney runs up and accidently bumps Demetri. Demetri shouts out and falls underneath the rock. Instinctively Crystal reaches down and takes Demetri’s hand and pulls him out from the hole.

“What was that!” she shouts at Mahoney. Before he can respond she slaps him in the shoulder.

Immediately Crystal turns back Page, “Page take my hand, it’ll be alright.”

Page finally looks up from her hands and looks over at Crystal. With a very shaky hand she reaches out and takes Crystal’s hand. Crystal can feel the guy in green looking at her. She looks up at him and nods, to let him know its ok to act. The rock slowly lowers and it disappears back into the ground.

Crystal’s head is spinning; Mahoney is trying to apologize for pushing Demetri under the stone, but she doesn’t pay him any attention. Crystal hardly notices Paige breathing rapidly with Demetri trying to calm her down while trying to keep an eye on the stage. No one is paying them any attention anymore, they know another demonstration will start soon and they’re not too sure if they want to see it. It isn’t until the perky girl steps forward and announces that water is coming up with forced perkiness. Page instantly switches from hyperventilation to calm-attentiveness.

Crystal strains to focus as a teenage boy with jet black hair, steps in front of a large ceramic bowl that is set off to the left of the stage. She watches as the water rises in response to him raising his arms and shoots up into the air before transforming into a sheet of water wide enough to cover the entire square. Page gasps in wonder as the entire square is cascaded in a soft ever moving blue hue.

Suddenly the entire crowd flinches as the water sheet hurls down at them. Crystal watches with a strange calm as it falls then quickly retreats back into the ceramic bowl without losing a single drop of water.  The crowd erupts into a giant wave of applause and shouts of excitement.

“Air!” the perky girls announces with a lot more natural enthusiasm.

The crowd holds their breath in anticipation. The guy in green doesn’t seem like he wants to disappoint. He pushes the side of his fists together. A gust of wind shoots out of his fists blowing the first couple of rows of people over. The crowd laughs, at least the crowd is lightening up. He moves his arms in a wide circular motion faster and faster and a circle of air, if it is possible, starts forming in front of him. He releases it and to the surprise of the crowd, the entire crowd is enveloped in a wind storm. Wind chimes clang together, hair whips all around, and some people start to scream. The wind seems to be reaching its maximum, Crystal hugs her arms tight, her short hair whipping around her head. Then the wind just stops. The crowd looks around in wonder and whispers excitedly.

The crowd falls silent, “Last but definitely not least, Fire.” That girl announces. Crystal chuckles at the fact that the girl doesn’t seem as enthusiastic about announcing the next demonstration. The girl who steps into the middle of stage, shoots her a smug grin before cracking her knuckles. Swiftly she spins around and stomps her foot in front of her. Sparks shoot out of her foot scaring the people in front of the crowd.

She stomps her foot again and punches the air, the crowd ducks down as fire shoots out from her hands. It seems controlled but Crystal still finds it menacing. It is absolutely strange yet completely amazing. Crystal notices her smiling in her direction, its sends icicles down her spine.

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